       Stardate: 20221119.0027
       Location: The Lab
       Input Device: Dell 7202
       Audio: The dryer
       Visual: Messy lab desk
       Energy: 30%
       Mental: 20%
       Emotional: tired and spent. 
       This evening, I had a chance to see live music.  I had received 
       tickets to "Candlelight: Best of Amy Winehouse at The Hotel Roosevelt"
       for my birthday (a few months ago.)  The description of the show 
       reads, "Candlelight concerts bring the magic of a live, multi-sensory 
       musical experience to awe-inspiring locations like never seen before 
       in Los Angeles. Get your tickets now to discover the music of Amy 
       Winehouse at the Blossom Ballroom of Hollywood Roosevelt under the 
       gentle glow of candlelight."  
       I went with my wife and my daughter.  We had dinner at 25 Degrees 
       prior to the show, which is a burger joint inside the hotel.  They 
       had tater tots, so I was happy.
       The Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel is an old hotel that was built in the 
       1920's.  It is right in the the middle of the busy Hollywood Walk 
       of Fame area with all of the tourists and many things happening, 
       especially on a Friday night.  It has been in films, many famous 
       celebrities have stayed and/or lived there, the first Academy Awards 
       was in the Blossom Ballroom (where the event was held), and it is 
       supposedly haunted.  
       There's supposedly a ghost of a man in a tuxedo and a guest in a 
       white suit that plays the piano that occupies the Blossom Ballroom.  
       There is also a young girl in a blue dress that shows up every now 
       and then. For some reason, images of The Shining kept coming to mind.  
       A fitting venue for the Candlelight show for Amy Winehouse, RIP 
       (she passed in 2011 at age 27 from alcohol poisoning.)
       The show itself was a great time!  They had LED candles all around 
       and the lights were turned down low in the ballroom.  There was 
       seating that was set up with spacing in between and LED candles next 
       to your seats.  They had a bar set up in the back and also a bar 
       outside the ballroom, for those who partake.  The band played many 
       of Amy's popular songs and the singer did a pretty good job at 
       singing Amy's songs.  The sound could have been better...the high 
       ceilings probably made it a bit challening.  We still had a great 
       time though.
       After the show while we waited for the valet to get the car was when 
       I noticed a figure sitting on a bench.  I walked over and it 
       turned out to be a statue of Charlie Chaplin.  He had been a guest 
       at the Roosevelt Hotel back in the day.  I immediately thought of 
       fellow SDF user and mastodon moderator, christyotwisty, who is quite 
       fond of that Charlie Chaplin.  I took out my phone and snapped a pic. [1]
       Even though I would rather stay home on a Friday night these days, it 
       was nice to get out again to see some live music with my family.  Too 
       bad my son couldn't join since he is away at school.
  HTML [1] Charlie Chaplin statue