       Stardate: 20220913.2214
       Location: The Lab
       Input Device: Pibookpro attached to RPi 4
       Audio: Alicia Keys on MTV Unplugged
       Visual: Alicia Keys 
       Emotional: Tired but don't wanna sleep
       Man, I'm not too fond of the keyboard on this device.  The device is 
       a PiBookPro, a.k.a., Sentio Superbook.  I picked this up when they
       were selling it as the PiBookPro.  Someone bought the remaining 
       inventory of the failed crowdfunded Sentio Superbook and was selling 
       it for cheap for use with a Raspberry Pi.  It was originally supposed
       to be a laptop shell with display, keyboard, battery, and track pad 
       for Android mobile phones, but I guess it had issues.  The device 
       still works and I'm thinking of using it for a project, but it still
       has issues running on a Pi.  It's not really that portable since the
       Pi is tethered to the device so I will probably keep it in one place.
       The heat is finally starting to go away.  These past few weeks has
       had me indoors and miserable.  I am not able to sleep well in the 
       heat and I can't think well when I am awake.  I have not been making
       much effort at exercise and I'm just not fun to be around.  With it
       starting to cool off, I hope to be back to somewhat normal conditions