       Stardate: 20220214.1620
       Location: SBUX
       Input Device: Gemini PDA
       Audio: Barista talking to customer, Spanish conversation among elderly. 
       Visual: Afternoon Sunlight peaking through the shades.
       Emotional State: Concerned, uncertain.
       Last night, a fairly new friend of mine called me in a frantic state.
       Let's call her Rachel.  Rachel had just gotten off of work and was 
       drunk and crying.  She confided with me what was going on.  She was 
       in a situation where she was going to hook up with a guy later that 
       evening.  Let's call him Chad.  Rachel had been seeing Chad "for fun." 
       Rachel explicitly told Chad that their relationship was, "for fun," 
       but Chad does not seem to get it.  On top of that, they work together.
       Then Rachel told me about this other relationship she has with this 
       girl.  Let's call her Jennifer.   Rachel and Jennifer had hooked up 
       with each other at the communal living space that they both live at.
       They both know that the relationship is "for fun."  Rachel feels 
       close and comfortable with Jennifer, but she is in conflict since 
       she grew up with strong religious beliefs regarding "having fun" with 
       members of the same sex.
       Rachel is not ready to be in a serious relationship right now, but 
       knows that she has needs that need to be attended to.  She knew that
       she was going to hook up with Chad and that there would be 
       consequences.  She doesn't want to lead him on and just wants to 
       "have fun" with Chad, but knows that he has a different agenda.
       Rachel feels bad that she keeps hurting people with patterns like 
       this and does not know what to do, especially when she cannot "help
       herself," but to do what she does.
       I must have been on the phone with her for about an hour.  I really
       had no useful advice to give her from my own experience.  All I could
       really do was just listen and be there for her as a friend.  It 
       would not have been appropriate for me to provide any kind of advice 
       or suggestions.  So I just listened and let Rachel know that I cared 
       about her and was there for her.  Sometimes that is all I can do.  I
       hope that Rachel does find her way and finds someone more helpful
       with whom she could talk to and get some proper guidance.