       Stardate: 20220117.1436
       Location: xiled rumination concentrator
       Input Device: xrc console
       Audio: silence of the xrc
       Visual: xrc interior
       Emotional State: mellow
       MLK greetings to those who observe!  Even though I did not know him, 
       I reflect on his spirit today in the legacy and the lessons that he 
       has left for us.
       I have been too fixated this past long weekend on the NASes 
       (NASen?...Neese?....Network Attached Storages?)  Let me try that 
       again.  I have been too fixated this past weekend on the NAS servers 
       that I discussed in my last phost.[1]  I figured that I would just
       stuff them in a 1U case, plug it in, and call it a day.  But no, it
       did not turn out to be that simple.  It turned into a weekend
       project.  Before I write about that, some background.
       Over the years, I have been gifted some discarded rackmounted
       hardware.  I've had a thing for rackmounted stuff for some time now.
       It started when I dumpster dove a full-sized telco relay
       rack and some rackmount shelves at the ISP I used to work for back 
       in the day.  It used to live in the dining room of my apartment
       when I was single, moved to the bedroom when I moved out west and 
       got married, and eventually was re-gifted to a member of the local
       2600 group.  My wife was done with having a telco relay rack with 
       all of the equipment noise in our bedroom and we were upgrading to 
       a larger apartment since my son was born.  
       By that time, I had quite a number of rackmounted devices with no 
       rack to put them in.  It's not so nice to have rackmounted equipment
       just sitting unmounted on tables.  Rackmounted equipment needs to be
       mounted to a rack.  Eventually, I found a solution that allowed the
       equipment to be mounted and was acceptable to my wife.  What I found
       was a desk that I saw at Guitar Center.
       OK, I have been summoned.  Time to exit the concentrator.  
       m0ar l8r.
   DIR [1] Last phost.