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       Round up to the next highest power of 2 by float casting
       unsigned int const v; // Round this 32-bit value to the next highest power of 2
       unsigned int r;       // Put the result here. (So v=3 -> r=4; v=8 -> r=8)
       if (v > 1)
         float f = (float)v;
         unsigned int const t = 1U << ((*(unsigned int *)&f >> 23) - 0x7f);
         r = t << (t < v);
         r = 1;
       The code above uses 8 operations, but works on all v <= (1<<31).
       Quick and dirty version, for domain of 1 < v < (1<<25):
       float f = (float)(v - 1);
       r = 1U << ((*(unsigned int*)(&f) >> 23) - 126);
       Although the quick and dirty version only uses around 6 operations, it is
       roughly three times slower than the [85]technique below (which involves 12
       operations) when benchmarked on an Athlon™ XP 2100+ CPU. Some CPUs will fare
       better with it, though.
       On September 27, 2005 Andi Smithers suggested I include a technique for casting
       tto floats to find the lg of a number for rounding up to a power of 2. Similar to
       tthe quick and dirty version here, his version worked with values less than
       (1<<25), due to mantissa rounding, but it used one more operation.
       The twiddles are from various sources. See:
   DIR Fortune twiddles.
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