            Welcome to the Gopher Tutorials!
       The following files will help to understand how to use Gopher.  The
       different documents target different kinds of users with different
       technical skill levels.
       Gopher Tutorials is in an alpha stage. You will see, which tutorials need
       additional input. Please help us in making this complete! See below, how
       to contribute.
  TEXT Gopher Start.
  TEXT Using your web browser to explore Gopherspace. (floodgap.com)
   DIR The Overbite Project – gopher for firefox
   DIR Legacy clients (floodgap.com)
  TEXT How to use sacc.
  TEXT How to use a gopherproxy.
  TEXT How to use gopher in firefox or chromium.
  TEXT How to use lynx or w3m for gopher.
  TEXT Commandline clients for gopher (curl, snarf ...)
  TEXT Other clients available.
  TEXT Join the community on IRC.
  TEXT Join the mailinglist.
  TEXT Brief introduction to the history of gopher.
       Further links:
       TODO: quux.org
       TODO: floodgap.com
       TODO: umn
  TEXT How does Gopher protocol work?
  TEXT The specifics of menu type 7 (search).
  TEXT Additional menu types defined over time.
  TEXT Gopher+.
  TEXT The Gopher RFC1436
  TEXT Setting up your own gopher server.
  TEXT Tips for publishing.
  TEXT Hints for writing dynamic applications.
       Every server has some quirks or advantages you see in different files
  TEXT Publishing on geomyidae
  TEXT Publishing on gophernicus
  TEXT Publishing on pygophered
       How to find certain content:
  TEXT Gopherspace Porn
       You can check out the source of the gopher tutorials at:
   DIR Gopher Tutorials stagit
       If you have some addition or comment on the files presented here at the gopher
       tutorials, come on IRC on #bitreich-en on bitreich IRC and tell us about your
       change or send us directly the patch. A patch will speed up the integration of
       your proposed changes. All input is welcome! Thanks!
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