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          C Thaumaturgy Center
       You like magic?
       // Inserts the 'bitfield' from 'v' using a 'mask' and a 'shift'.
       // shift                                3           // shift = 3 - shift defines how many digits to the right from the latest mask digit - 3 here
       // bitfield                             00000110
       // x                                    10110101
       // mask                                 00011100
       // x & ~mask                            10100001
       // (x & ~mask) | (bitfield << shift)    10111001
       static inline uint8_t insert_bitfield(const uint8_t x, const uint8_t bitfield, const uint8_t mask, const uint8_t shift) {
           return (x & ~mask) | (bitfield << shift);
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