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       ________________________,--._(___Y___)_,--._______________________ hjw
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                            | Stop Scrum! Think of the children! |        
       Above you see Ronny, the Bear, the mascot of the "Stop Scrum!" action.
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       ___[ What is Scrum? ]
       > Scrum is a framework utilizing an agile mindset for developing,
       > delivering, and sustaining products in a complex environment,
       > with an initial emphasis on software development, although it
       > has been used in other fields including research, sales, marketing
       > and advanced technologies.
  TEXT Gopherpedia entry on Scrum.
       This involves grooming:
       > Child grooming is befriending and establishing an emotional
       > connection with a child, and sometimes the family, to lower the
       > child's inhibitions with the objective of sexual abuse.
  TEXT Gopherpedia entry on Grooming.
       ___[ We have to stop it. ]
       By using grooming in a regular context, it is normalized and child
       abuse made something normal. We have to stop this! Do not use Scrum!
       If you need help, to exit your "scrum master" influence, we can offer
       you help:
   DIR Digitalisation Addicts Anonymous
       Contact us and find a new life without child abuse.
       : {` .- _ -. '} ;
        `:   O(_)O   ;'
         ';  ._|_,  ;`
          '`-.\_/,.'` hjw
       Together we are strong!
   DIR << back to bitreich.org.