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        S L I C E R
        +-|-|-|-|-|- See
          +-|-|-|-|- Love
            +-|-|-|- In
              +-|-|- Cheese
                +-|- Extending
                  +- Rights
       ___[ Cheese Cruelty ]
       Cheese cruelty is a growing problem in this world.
  HTML See this documentary on US cheese cruelty!
       Cheese is kept in underground concentration camps, where the cheese
       is tortured and stripped off all of its freedoms.
   IMG A picture of the concentration camps from the above documentary.
   IMG NSFW: Picture of a tortured cheese.
       ___[ Everyday Cheese Cruelty ]
       But the torture does not just begin with this extreme from the USA.
   IMG Cheese torture happens in your community every day!
       We need to stop this!
       ___[ The Plan To End This ]
       * Be nice to cheese.
       * Find the love in cheese.
       * Accept the freedom of cheese.
       * Stop putting cheese next to pineapples.
       ___[ Support The Cause ]
       If you find any pictures of cheese cruelty, report it to:
               Christoph Lohmann <20h@r-36.net> or on #bitreich-cooking on irc.bitreich.org
       All support is welcome to save the cheese!
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