       sup.1 - sup - small tool for privilege escalation
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       sup.1 (764B)
            1 .TH SUP 1 2019-07-08
            2 .SH NAME
            3 sup \- scale user privileges
            4 .SH SYNOPSIS
            5 .B sup
            6 .IR command
            7 [
            8 .IR args
            9 \ ... ]
           10 .br
           11 .B sup -l
           12 .PP
           13 .SH DESCRIPTION
           14 sup is a minimal privilege escalation utility that allows normal users
           15 to run other programs as different user and group. It is "secured" by
           16 hardcoding SHA256 sums of the executables into itself to decide if a
           17 user is actually authorized to run the requested command. The way sup
           18 works is that it is installed as a setuid binary and is statically
           19 linked to avoid any possible LD_PRELOAD trickery.
           20 .TP
           21 The configuration is done in config.h at compile time.
           22 .SH OPTIONS
           23 .B \-l
           24 List compiled authorizations
           25 .SH AUTHORS
           26 See the LICENSE file for the authors.
           27 .SH LICENSE
           28 See the LICENSE file for the terms of redistribution.