       iomenu.1 - iomenu - interactive terminal-based selection menu
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       iomenu.1 (1901B)
            1 .Dd aug 21, 2017
            2 .Dt IOMENU 1
            3 .Os
            4 .
            5 .
            6 .Sh NAME
            7 .
            8 .Nm iomenu
            9 .Nd interactive selection menu
           10 .
           11 .
           12 .Sh SYNOPSIS
           13 .
           14 .Nm
           15 .Op Fl #
           16 .
           17 .
           18 .Sh DESCRIPTION
           19 .
           20 .Nm
           21 is an interactive filtering and selection tool for the terminal.
           22 .
           23 .Pp
           24 It reads lines from standard input, and prompt for a selection.
           25 The selected line is printed to standard output.
           26 .
           27 .Bl -tag -width 6n
           28 .
           29 .It Fl #
           30 If a line starts with
           31 .Li # ,
           32 .Nm
           33 will interprete it as a header, which always matches, and can not be
           34 printed.
           35 .
           36 .
           37 .Sh KEY BINDINGS
           38 .
           39 An active selection is highlighted, and can be controlled with keybindings.
           40 As printable keys are entered, the lines are filtered to match each
           41 word from the input.
           42 .
           43 .Bl -tag -width 6n
           44 .
           45 .It Ic Up Ns , Ic Down Ns , Ic Ctrl + p Ns , Ic Ctrl + n
           46 Move selection to the previous/next item.
           47 .
           48 .It Ic Alt + p Ns , Ic Alt + n
           49 Move selection to the previous/next header.
           50 .
           51 .It Ic PageUp Ns , Ic PageDown Ns , Ic Alt + v Ns , Ic Ctrl + v
           52 Move one page up or down.
           53 .
           54 .It Ic Ctrl + m Ns , Ic Ctrl + j Ns , Ic Enter
           55 Print the selection to the standard output, and exit 0.
           56 .
           57 .It Ic Ctrl + h Ns , Ic Bakcspace
           58 Remove last character from current input.
           59 .
           60 .It Ic Ctrl + w
           61 Remove last word from current input.
           62 .
           63 .It Ic Ctrl + u
           64 Remove the whole input string.
           65 .
           66 .It Ic Ctrl + i Ns , Ic Tab
           67 Fill the input with current selection.
           68 .
           69 .El
           70 .
           71 .
           72 .Sh EXIT STATUS
           73 .
           74 .Ex -std
           75 .
           76 .
           77 .Sh EXAMPLES
           78 .
           79 Go to a subdirectory:
           80 .Dl cd "$(find . -type d | iomenu)"
           81 .
           82 .Pp
           83 Edit a file located in
           84 .Ev HOME :
           85 .Dl $EDITOR "$(find "$HOME" -type f | iomenu)"
           86 .
           87 .Pp
           88 Play an audio file:
           89 .Dl mplayer "$(find ~/Music | iomenu)"
           90 .
           91 .Pp
           92 Select a background job to attach to:
           93 .Dl fg "%$(jobs | iomenu | cut -c 2)"
           94 .
           95 .Pp
           96 Filter "ps" output and print a process ID:
           97 .Dl { printf '#'; ps ax; } | iomenu -# | sed -r 's/ *([0-9]*).*/\1/'
           98 .
           99 .
          100 .Sh SEE ALSO
          101 .
          102 .Xr dmenu 1 ,
          103 .Xr slmenu 1 ,
          104 .Xr vis-menu 1
          105 .
          106 .
          107 .Sh AUTORS
          108 .
          109 .An Josuah Demangeon Aq Mt mail@josuah.net