       removed the scripts - iomenu - interactive terminal-based selection menu
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/iomenu git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/iomenu
   DIR Log
   DIR Files
   DIR Refs
   DIR Tags
   DIR commit 816338aa8b123757fec090970e98d92edb2be376
   DIR parent d0e21509afe9e6ebf8e3f0e75ce31d9799905c7a
  HTML Author: Josuah Demangeonā  ā µ <mail@josuah.net>
       Date:   Sat, 11 Mar 2017 11:19:11 +0100
       removed the scripts
         D io-abduco                           |      15 ---------------
         D io-files                            |      58 ------------------------------
         D io-grep                             |      16 ----------------
         D io-man                              |       9 ---------
         D io-mblaze                           |      16 ----------------
         D io-run                              |     100 -------------------------------
         D io-setfont                          |      11 -----------
       7 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 225 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/io-abduco b/io-abduco
       @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
       -# Prompt for an abduco session to attach to
       -if [ "$ABDUCO" ]
       -        printf 'session already active: %s\n' "$ABDUCO"
       -        exit 1
       -name="$(printf '#%s' "$(
       -        abduco | sed -r 's/(.*)\t(.*)/\2 # \1/'
       -)" | iomenu -s '#')"
       -[ "$SSH_CLIENT$SSH_TTY$SSH_CONNECTION" ] && e='^\' || e='^Z'
       -TERM=screen ABDUCO="$name" exec abduco -e "$e" -A "$name" "$SHELL"
   DIR diff --git a/io-files b/io-files
       @@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
       -# Prompt a file to open in PAGER, with an history.  In less(1), 'v' to edit.
       -        if [ "$1" ]
       -        then
       -                printf '%s\n' "$(cd "${1%/*}"; pwd)/${1##*/}"
       -        else
       -                {
       -                        printf '#\n# Recent files\n'
       -                        [ -f "$CACHE/iomenu/files" ] &&
       -                        tac "$CACHE/iomenu/files"
       -                        printf '#\n# Current directory\n'
       -                        find "$PWD" -maxdepth 1 -type f
       -                        printf '#\n# All files\n'
       -                        find ~ -type f ! -path '*/.cache/*' ! -path '*/.git/*'
       -                } | sed "s|$HOME|~|" | iomenu -l 256 -s '#' | sed "s|~|$HOME|"
       -        fi | tee -a "$CACHE/iomenu/files"
       -        sort "$CACHE/iomenu/files" | uniq -d | while IFS='' read -r f
       -        do
       -                printf '%s\n' "$(
       -                        grep -Fxv "$f" "$CACHE/iomenu/files"
       -                )" "$f" > "$CACHE/iomenu/files"
       -        done
       -        printf '%s\n' "$(tail "$CACHE/iomenu/files")" > "$CACHE/iomenu/files"
       -        mkdir -p "$CACHE/iomenu"
       -        file="$(path "$1")"
       -        # terminal name
       -        printf '\033]0;%s\007' "$(printf %s "$file" | sed "s|$HOME|~|")"
       -        history
       -        [ "$file" ] && [ -d "${file%/*}" ] && exec $EDITOR "$file"
       -main "$@"
   DIR diff --git a/io-grep b/io-grep
       @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
       -        cd "$HOME"
       -        find . -type d ! -path '*/.git/*' ! -name '.git' |
       -                sed 's/^./~/' | iomenu -l 256
       -grep -rL '\x00' "$directory" | while IFS='' read -r path
       -        printf '#io-grep %s\n' "~${path#$HOME}"
       -         cat "$path"
       -done | iomenu -s '#io-grep' -H -N -l 256 | {
       -        IFS='        ' read -r path line
       -        exec $EDITOR +"$line"g "$HOME${path#\~}"
   DIR diff --git a/io-man b/io-man
       @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
       -# prompt a man page to open
       -man "$(
       -        IFS=':'
       -        find $(manpath -q) ! -type d |
       -                sed -r 's/.*\/(.*).[0-9](.gz)?$/\1/' |
       -                sort -u |
       -                iomenu
   DIR diff --git a/io-mblaze b/io-mblaze
       @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
       -T='        '
       -        mdirs "${MAIL%/*}" | while IFS='' read -r dir
       -        do
       -                printf '#\n# %s\n' "${dir##*/}"
       -                mlist "$dir" | mpick :u | msort -d | mthread |
       -                mscan -f '%D  %24f %u%t%2i%120S'
       -        done | iomenu -N -H -s '#' -l 255
       -[ "$choice" ] || exit 0
       -mlist "${MAIL%/*}/${choice%%$T*}" | mpick :u | msort -d | mthread |
       -sed -n "${choice#*$T}p" | mshow | $PAGER
   DIR diff --git a/io-run b/io-run
       @@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
       -# Prompt for a programs to run
       -        printf 'Usage: %s [cmd [args...] [+]]
       -cmd        do not prompt for a command and run cmd right away
       -args        do not prompt for arguments neither and use arg
       -+        if present after the arguments, prompt for a path\n' "${0##*/}"
       -# Update the cache and get the command to run.
       -        IFS=':' u=0
       -        for dir in $PATH
       -        do
       -                [ "$CACHE/dmenu_run" -ot "$dir" ] && u=1
       -        done
       -        [ "$u" -eq 1 ] && find -L $PATH -type f -exec test -x {} \; -print |
       -                sed 's|.*/||' | sort -u > "$CACHE/dmenu_run"
       -# Prompt for options for a given command and log it to an history file
       -        local command="$1"
       -        printf '%s ' "$command" >> "$CACHE/iomenu/run"
       -        while read -r cmd opt
       -        do
       -                [ "$command" = "$cmd" ] && printf '%s\n' "$opt"
       -        done < "$CACHE/iomenu/run" |
       -                iomenu -p "$command" | tee -a "$CACHE/iomenu/run"
       -        sort -u "$CACHE/iomenu/run" -o "$CACHE/iomenu/run"
       -# Prompt for a file path in $HOME and print it.
       -        find "$HOME" ! -path "$CACHE" ! -path '*/.git/*' |
       -                sed -r "s/.{${#HOME}}/~/" | iomenu -l 256 | sed 's/^~//'
       -# Get the options according to the command and run it
       -        command="${1:-$(iomenu -l 256 -s '#' < "$CACHE/dmenu_run")}"
       -        [ -z "$command" ] && exit 1
       -        options="$(get_options "$command")"
       -        if [ "$options" ] && [ -z "${options%%*+}" ]
       -        then
       -                path="$(get_path)" options="${options%+}"
       -        fi
       -        if [ "$path" ]
       -        then exec $command $options "$path"
       -        else exec $command $options
       -        fi
       -        mkdir -p "$CACHE/iomenu"
       -        if [ $# -gt 0 ] && [ -z "${1##-*}" ]
       -        then
       -                usage
       -        else
       -                update_cache
       -                run "$@"
       -        fi
       -main "$@"
   DIR diff --git a/io-setfont b/io-setfont
       @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
       -setfont "$(
       -        find /usr/share ~ -type d -name consolefonts | while IFS='' read -r path
       -        do
       -                cd "$path" || exit 1
       -                fonts="$(find . -type f | cut -c 3-)"
       -                [ "$fonts" ] && printf '#\n# %s\n%s\n' "$path" "$fonts"
       -        done | iomenu -l 256 -s '#' -H | sed 's/\t/\//'