       single file implementation - iomenu - interactive terminal-based selection menu
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   DIR commit 35d50bc1a88b26d1f57219a9f3f7b1a907c57498
   DIR parent 60947ffd7f79328a77d58ca78da7ff46c602fd1f
  HTML Author: Josuah Demangeonā  ā µ <mail@josuah.net>
       Date:   Thu, 16 Mar 2017 18:34:21 +0100
       single file implementation
         M Makefile                            |       2 --
         D TODO                                |       8 --------
         D buffer.c                            |     119 -------------------------------
         D draw.c                              |     158 -------------------------------
         D input.c                             |     221 -------------------------------
         D iomenu.1                            |      78 -------------------------------
         M iomenu.c                            |     522 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
         D iomenu.h                            |      61 -------------------------------
       8 files changed, 516 insertions(+), 653 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
       @@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ OBJ       = ${SRC:.c=.o}
        all: clean iomenu
       -iomenu: buffer.c draw.c input.c
                rm -f iomenu ${OBJ}
   DIR diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
       @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
       --        Check return values for every function that may fail.
       --        Add support for a default input string (when I will need it or if
       -        someone ask for it).
       --        Fix the input shifting the line count by 1.
       --        Case insensitive match.
   DIR diff --git a/buffer.c b/buffer.c
       @@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
       -#include <ctype.h>
       -#include <stdio.h>
       -#include <stdlib.h>
       -#include <string.h>
       -#include "iomenu.h"
       - * Fill the buffer apropriately with the lines
       - */
       -        extern Line **buffer;
       -        char  s[LINE_SIZE];
       -        size_t size = 1;
       -        buffer = malloc(sizeof(Line) * 2 << 4);
       -        input[0] = '\0';
       -        total = matching = 1;
       -        /* read the file into an array of lines */
       -        for (; fgets(s, LINE_SIZE, stdin); total++, matching++) {
       -                if (total > size) {
       -                        size *= 2;
       -                        if (!realloc(buffer, size * sizeof(Line)))
       -                                die("realloc");
       -                }
       -                buffer[total]->text[strlen(s) - 1] = '\0';
       -                buffer[total]->match = 1;  /* empty input match everything */
       -        }
       -free_buffer(Line **buffer)
       -        Line *next = NULL;
       -        for (; total > 0; total--)
       -                free(buffer[total - 1]->text);
       -        free(buffer);
       - * If inc is 1, it will only check already matching lines.
       - * If inc is 0, it will only check non-matching lines.
       - */
       -filter_lines(int inc)
       -        char   **tokv = NULL;
       -        char    *s, buf[sizeof(input)];
       -        size_t   n = 0, tokc = 0;
       -        /* tokenize input from space characters, this comes from dmenu */
       -        strcpy(buf, input);
       -        for (s = strtok(buf, " "); s; s = strtok(NULL, " ")) {
       -                if (++tokc > n && !(tokv = realloc(tokv, ++n * sizeof(*tokv))))
       -                        die("realloc");
       -                tokv[tokc - 1] = s;
       -        }
       -        /* match lines */
       -        matching = 0;
       -        for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) {
       -                if (input[0] && strcmp(input, buffer[i]->text) == 0) {
       -                        buffer[i]->match = 1;
       -                } else if ((inc && buffer[i]->match) || (!inc && !buffer[i]->match)) {
       -                        buffer[i]->match = match_line(buffer[i], tokv, tokc);
       -                        matching += buffer[i]->match;
       -                }
       -        }
       - * Return whecher the line matches every string from tokv.
       - */
       -match_line(Line *line, char **tokv, size_t tokc)
       -        for (int i = 0; i < tokc; i++)
       -                if (!!strstr(buffer[i]->text, tokv[i]))
       -                        return 0;
       -        return 1;
       - * Seek the previous matching line, or NULL if none matches.
       - */
       -Line *
       -matching_prev(int pos)
       -        for (; pos > 0 && !buffer[pos]->match; pos--);
       -        return buffer[pos];
       - * Seek the next matching line, or NULL if none matches.
       - */
       -Line *
       -matching_next(int pos)
       -        for (; pos < total && !buffer[pos]->match; pos++);
       -        return buffer[pos];
   DIR diff --git a/draw.c b/draw.c
       @@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
       -#include <stdlib.h>
       -#include <string.h>
       -#include <stdio.h>
       -#include <sys/ioctl.h>
       -#include "iomenu.h"
       - * Print a line to stderr.
       - */
       -draw_line(Line *line, const int cols)
       -        char  output[LINE_SIZE] = "\033[K";
       -        int n = 0;
       -        if (opt_line_numbers) {
       -                strcat(output, buffer[current] ? "\033[1;37m" : "\033[1;30m");
       -                sprintf(output + strlen(output), "%7d\033[m ", line->number);
       -        } else {
       -                strcat(output, buffer[current] ? "\033[1;31m      > " : "        ");
       -        }
       -        n += 8;
       -        /* highlight buffer[current] line */
       -        if (buffer[current])
       -                strcat(output, "\033[1;33m");
       -        /* content */
       -        strncat(output, line->content, cols - n);
       -        n += strlen(line->content);
       -        /* MAX with '1' as \033[0C still move 1 to the right */
       -        sprintf(output + strlen(output), "\033[%dC",
       -                MAX(1, 40 - n));
       -        n += MAX(1, 40 - n);
       -        strcat(output, "\033[m\n");
       -        fputs(output, stderr);
       - * Print all the lines from an array of pointer to lines.
       - *
       - * The total number oflines printed shall not excess 'count'.
       - */
       -draw_lines( int count, int cols)
       -        Line *line = buffer[current];
       -        int i = 0;
       -        int j = 0;
       -        /* seek back from buffer[current] line to the first line to print */
       -        while (line && i < count - OFFSET) {
       -                i    = line->matches ? i + 1 : i;
       -                line = line->prev;
       -        }
       -        line = line ? line : first;
       -        /* print up to count lines that match the input */
       -        while (line && j < count) {
       -                if (line->matches) {
       -                        draw_line(line, line == buffer[current], cols);
       -                        j++;
       -                }
       -                line = line->next;
       -        }
       -        /* continue up to the end of the screen clearing it */
       -        for (; j < count; j++)
       -                fputs("\r\033[K\n", stderr);
       - * Update the screen interface and print all candidates.
       - *
       - * This also has to clear the previous lines.
       - */
       -draw_screen( int tty_fd)
       -        struct winsize w;
       -        int count;
       -        if (ioctl(tty_fd, TIOCGWINSZ, &w) < 0)
       -                die("could not get terminal size");
       -        count = MIN(opt_lines, w.ws_row - 2);
       -        fputs("\n", stderr);
       -        draw_lines(count, w.ws_col);
       -        /* go up to the prompt position and update it */
       -        fprintf(stderr, "\033[%dA", count + 1);
       -        draw_prompt(w.ws_col);
       -draw_clear(int lines)
       -        int i;
       -        for (i = 0; i < lines + 1; i++)
       -                fputs("\r\033[K\n", stderr);
       -        fprintf(stderr, "\033[%dA", lines + 1);
       - * Print the prompt, before the input, with the number of candidates that
       - * match.
       - */
       -draw_prompt(int cols)
       -        size_t  i;
       -        int     matching = matching;
       -        int     total    = total;
       -        /* for the '/' separator between the numbers */
       -        cols--;
       -        /* number of digits */
       -        for (i = matching; i; i /= 10, cols--);
       -        for (i = total;    i; i /= 10, cols--);
       -        cols -= !matching ? 1 : 0;  /* 0 also has one digit*/
       -        /* actual prompt */
       -        fprintf(stderr, "\r%-6s\033[K\033[1m>\033[m ", opt_prompt);
       -        cols -= 2 + MAX(strlen(opt_prompt), 6);
       -        /* input without overflowing terminal width */
       -        for (i = 0; i < strlen(input) && cols > 0; cols--, i++)
       -                fputc(input[i], stderr);
       -        /* save the cursor position at the end of the input */
       -        fputs("\033[s", stderr);
       -        /* grey */
       -        fputs("\033[1;30m", stderr);
       -        /* go to the end of the line */
       -        fprintf(stderr, "\033[%dC", cols);
       -        /* total match and line count at the end of the line */
       -        fprintf(stderr, "%d/%d", matching, total);
       -        /* restore cursor position at the end of the input */
       -        fputs("\033[m\033[u", stderr);
   DIR diff --git a/input.c b/input.c
       @@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
       -#include <ctype.h>
       -#include <stdio.h>
       -#include <stdlib.h>
       -#include <string.h>
       -#include <termios.h>
       -#include "iomenu.h"
       - * Listen for the user input and call the appropriate functions.
       - */
       -input_get(int tty_fd)
       -        FILE *tty_fp = fopen("/dev/tty", "r");
       -        int   exit_code;
       -        /* receive one character at a time from the terminal */
       -        struct termios termio_old = set_terminal(tty_fd);
       -        while ((exit_code = input_key(tty_fp)) == CONTINUE)
       -                draw_screen(tty_fd);
       -        /* resets the terminal to the previous state. */
       -        tcsetattr(tty_fd, TCSANOW, &termio_old);
       -        fclose(tty_fp);
       -        return exit_code;
       - * Perform action associated with key
       - */
       -input_key(FILE *tty_fp)
       -        extern char *input;
       -        char key = fgetc(tty_fp);
       -        if (key == '\n') {
       -                action_print_selection(0);
       -                return EXIT_SUCCESS;
       -        }
       -        switch (key) {
       -        case CONTROL('C'):
       -                draw_clear(opt_lines);
       -                return EXIT_FAILURE;
       -        case CONTROL('U'):
       -                input[0] = '\0';
       -                current = 0;
       -                filter_lines(0);
       -                action_jump(1);
       -                action_jump(-1);
       -                break;
       -        case CONTROL('W'):
       -                action_remove_word_input();
       -                filter_lines(0);
       -                break;
       -        case 127:
       -        case CONTROL('H'):  /* backspace */
       -                input[strlen(input) - 1] = '\0';
       -                filter_lines(0);
       -                action_jump(0);
       -                break;
       -        case CONTROL('N'):
       -                action_jump(1);
       -                break;
       -        case CONTROL('P'):
       -                action_jump(-1);
       -                break;
       -        case CONTROL('I'):  /* tab */
       -                strcpy(input, buffer[current]->text);
       -                filter_lines(1);
       -                break;
       -        case CONTROL('J'):
       -        case CONTROL('M'):  /* enter */
       -                action_print_selection(0);
       -                return EXIT_SUCCESS;
       -        case CONTROL('@'):  /* ctrl + space */
       -                action_print_selection(1);
       -                return EXIT_SUCCESS;
       -        case CONTROL('['):  /* escape */
       -                switch (fgetc(tty_fp)) {
       -                case 'O':  /* arrow keys */
       -                        switch (fgetc(tty_fp)) {
       -                        case 'A':  /* up */
       -                                action_jump(-1);
       -                                break;
       -                        case 'B':  /* Down */
       -                                action_jump(1);
       -                                break;
       -                        }
       -                        break;
       -                case '[':  /* page control */
       -                        key = fgetc(tty_fp);
       -                        switch(fgetc(tty_fp)) {
       -                        case '~':
       -                                switch (key) {
       -                                case '5': /* page up */
       -                                        action_jump(-10);
       -                                        break;
       -                                case '6': /* page down */
       -                                        action_jump(10);
       -                                        break;
       -                                }
       -                                break;
       -                        }
       -                        break;
       -                }
       -                break;
       -        default:
       -                action_add_character(key);
       -        }
       -        return CONTINUE;
       - * Set the buffer[current] line to next/previous/any matching line.
       - */
       -action_jump(int direction)
       -        Line * line   = buffer[current];
       -        Line * result = line;
       -        if (direction == 0 && !buffer[current]->match) {
       -                line   =               matching_next(current);
       -                line   = line ? line : matching_prev(current);
       -                result = line ? line : result;
       -        }
       -        for (; direction < 0 && line; direction++) {
       -                line   = matching_prev(line);
       -                result = line ? line : result;
       -        }
       -        for (; direction > 0 && line; direction--) {
       -                line   = matching_next(line);
       -                result = line ? line : result;
       -        }
       -        buffer[current] = result;
       - * Remove the last word from the buffer's input
       - */
       -        size_t len = strlen(input) - 1;
       -        for (int i = len; i >= 0 && isspace(input[i]); i--)
       -                input[i] = '\0';
       -        len = strlen(input) - 1;
       -        for (int i = len; i >= 0 && !isspace(input[i]); i--)
       -                input[i] = '\0';
       - * Add a character to the buffer input and filter lines again.
       - */
       -action_add_character(char key)
       -        size_t len = strlen(input);
       -        if (isprint(key)) {
       -                input[len]     = key;
       -                input[len + 1] = '\0';
       -        }
       -        filter_lines(1);
       -        action_jump(0);
       - * Send the selection to stdout.
       - */
       -action_print_selection(int return_input)
       -        fputs("\r\033[K", stderr);
       -        if (return_input || !matching) {
       -                puts(input);
       -        } else if (matching > 0) {
       -                puts(buffer[current]->text);
       -        }
   DIR diff --git a/iomenu.1 b/iomenu.1
       @@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
       -.Dd Mars 16 2016
       -.Dt IOMENU 1
       -.Sh NAME
       -.Nm iomenu
       -.Op Fl nNHksl
       -utility filters lines form stdin interactively with the keyboard, and print
       -the selected line to stdout.
       -Lower case switches are for the interface, uppercase switches are for
       -.Bl -tag
       -.It Fl n
       -Display line numbers in interface.
       -.It Fl N
       -Return the line number rather than the match.
       -.It Fl H
       -Return the current header that the selection belongs to in addition to the
       -match, delimited by a tab.
       -.It Fl k Cm key
       -Key to use to validate current selection in addition to Enter.
       -.It Fl s Cm separator
       -Character separating the content from the comments.  Every character after
       -the separator will be considered as comment and will be grayed and aligned
       -in the interface.
       -If a separator is at the beginning of a line (without leading space), the
       -line is considered as a section header, and it will always be displayed
       -regardless if it matches or not.
       -.It Fl l Cm lines
       -Number of lines to display at once.  Default is 30.
       -.Bl -tag
       -.It Cm ^M, ^J, Enter
       -Print the matched line to stdout and exit.
       -.It Cm ^@, ^Space
       -Print the content of the input rather than the matched line to stdout and exit.
       -.It Cm ^P / ^N, Up / Down
       -Navigate to the previous / next line.
       -.It Cm PageUp / PageDown
       -Navigate 10 lines up / down.
       -.It Cm ^I, Tab
       -Set input to the currently highlighted candidate, then cycle through candidate
       -.It Cm ^H, Backspace
       -Delete one char backward, but if there is no char
       -backward, it should return an error code of 1.
       -.It Cm ^C
       -Cancel, and make filter return the error code of 1.
       -.It Cm ^W
       -Deletes the last entered word.
       -.It Cm ^U
       -Deletes the entire input and jump to the first line.
   DIR diff --git a/iomenu.c b/iomenu.c
       @@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
       -opt_line_numbers  = 0;
       -opt_print_number  = 0;
       -opt_lines         = 30;
       -opt_prompt        = "";
        #include <ctype.h>
        #include <fcntl.h>
        #include <stdio.h>
       @@ -13,7 +8,522 @@ opt_prompt        = "";
        #include <sys/ioctl.h>
       -#include "iomenu.h"
       +/*--- constants --------------------------------------------------------------*/
       +#define LINE_SIZE  1024
       +#define OFFSET     5
       +#define CONTINUE   2  /* as opposed to EXIT_SUCCESS and EXIT_FAILURE */
       +/*--- macros -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
       +#define CONTROL(char) (char ^ 0x40)
       +#define MIN(X, Y) (((X) < (Y)) ? (X) : (Y))
       +#define MAX(X, Y) (((X) > (Y)) ? (X) : (Y))
       +/*--- structures -------------------------------------------------------------*/
       +typedef struct Line {
       +        char *text;  /* sent as output and matched by input */
       +        int   match;   /* whether it matches buffer's input */
       +} Line;
       +/*--- variables --------------------------------------------------------------*/
       +Line **buffer;
       +int    current, matching, total;
       +int    opt_lines;
       +char  *opt_prompt, *input;
       +/*--- functions --------------------------------------------------------------*/
       + * Fill the buffer apropriately with the lines
       + */
       +        extern Line **buffer;
       +        char  s[LINE_SIZE];
       +        size_t size = 1;
       +        buffer = malloc(sizeof(Line) * 2 << 4);
       +        input[0] = '\0';
       +        total = matching = 1;
       +        /* read the file into an array of lines */
       +        for (; fgets(s, LINE_SIZE, stdin); total++, matching++) {
       +                if (total > size) {
       +                        size *= 2;
       +                        if (!realloc(buffer, size * sizeof(Line)))
       +                                die("realloc");
       +                }
       +                buffer[total]->text[strlen(s) - 1] = '\0';
       +                buffer[total]->match = 1;  /* empty input match everything */
       +        }
       +free_buffer(Line **buffer)
       +        Line *next = NULL;
       +        for (; total > 0; total--)
       +                free(buffer[total - 1]->text);
       +        free(buffer);
       + * If inc is 1, it will only check already matching lines.
       + * If inc is 0, it will only check non-matching lines.
       + */
       +filter_lines(int inc)
       +        char   **tokv = NULL;
       +        char    *s, buf[sizeof(input)];
       +        size_t   n = 0, tokc = 0;
       +        /* tokenize input from space characters, this comes from dmenu */
       +        strcpy(buf, input);
       +        for (s = strtok(buf, " "); s; s = strtok(NULL, " ")) {
       +                if (++tokc > n && !(tokv = realloc(tokv, ++n * sizeof(*tokv))))
       +                        die("realloc");
       +                tokv[tokc - 1] = s;
       +        }
       +        /* match lines */
       +        matching = 0;
       +        for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) {
       +                if (input[0] && strcmp(input, buffer[i]->text) == 0) {
       +                        buffer[i]->match = 1;
       +                } else if ((inc && buffer[i]->match) || (!inc && !buffer[i]->match)) {
       +                        buffer[i]->match = match_line(buffer[i], tokv, tokc);
       +                        matching += buffer[i]->match;
       +                }
       +        }
       + * Return whecher the line matches every string from tokv.
       + */
       +match_line(Line *line, char **tokv, size_t tokc)
       +        for (int i = 0; i < tokc; i++)
       +                if (!!strstr(buffer[i]->text, tokv[i]))
       +                        return 0;
       +        return 1;
       + * Seek the previous matching line, or NULL if none matches.
       + */
       +Line *
       +matching_prev(int pos)
       +        for (; pos > 0 && !buffer[pos]->match; pos--);
       +        return buffer[pos];
       + * Seek the next matching line, or NULL if none matches.
       + */
       +Line *
       +matching_next(int pos)
       +        for (; pos < total && !buffer[pos]->match; pos++);
       +        return buffer[pos];
       + * Print a line to stderr.
       + */
       +draw_line(Line *line, const int cols)
       +        char  output[LINE_SIZE] = "\033[K";
       +        int n = 0;
       +        if (opt_line_numbers) {
       +                strcat(output, buffer[current] ? "\033[1;37m" : "\033[1;30m");
       +                sprintf(output + strlen(output), "%7d\033[m ", line->number);
       +        } else {
       +                strcat(output, buffer[current] ? "\033[1;31m      > " : "        ");
       +        }
       +        n += 8;
       +        /* highlight buffer[current] line */
       +        if (buffer[current])
       +                strcat(output, "\033[1;33m");
       +        /* content */
       +        strncat(output, line->content, cols - n);
       +        n += strlen(line->content);
       +        /* MAX with '1' as \033[0C still move 1 to the right */
       +        sprintf(output + strlen(output), "\033[%dC",
       +                MAX(1, 40 - n));
       +        n += MAX(1, 40 - n);
       +        strcat(output, "\033[m\n");
       +        fputs(output, stderr);
       + * Print all the lines from an array of pointer to lines.
       + *
       + * The total number oflines printed shall not excess 'count'.
       + */
       +draw_lines( int count, int cols)
       +        Line *line = buffer[current];
       +        int i = 0;
       +        int j = 0;
       +        /* seek back from buffer[current] line to the first line to print */
       +        while (line && i < count - OFFSET) {
       +                i    = line->matches ? i + 1 : i;
       +                line = line->prev;
       +        }
       +        line = line ? line : first;
       +        /* print up to count lines that match the input */
       +        while (line && j < count) {
       +                if (line->matches) {
       +                        draw_line(line, line == buffer[current], cols);
       +                        j++;
       +                }
       +                line = line->next;
       +        }
       +        /* continue up to the end of the screen clearing it */
       +        for (; j < count; j++)
       +                fputs("\r\033[K\n", stderr);
       + * Update the screen interface and print all candidates.
       + *
       + * This also has to clear the previous lines.
       + */
       +draw_screen( int tty_fd)
       +        struct winsize w;
       +        int count;
       +        if (ioctl(tty_fd, TIOCGWINSZ, &w) < 0)
       +                die("could not get terminal size");
       +        count = MIN(opt_lines, w.ws_row - 2);
       +        fputs("\n", stderr);
       +        draw_lines(count, w.ws_col);
       +        /* go up to the prompt position and update it */
       +        fprintf(stderr, "\033[%dA", count + 1);
       +        draw_prompt(w.ws_col);
       +draw_clear(int lines)
       +        int i;
       +        for (i = 0; i < lines + 1; i++)
       +                fputs("\r\033[K\n", stderr);
       +        fprintf(stderr, "\033[%dA", lines + 1);
       + * Print the prompt, before the input, with the number of candidates that
       + * match.
       + */
       +draw_prompt(int cols)
       +        size_t  i;
       +        int     matching = matching;
       +        int     total    = total;
       +        /* for the '/' separator between the numbers */
       +        cols--;
       +        /* number of digits */
       +        for (i = matching; i; i /= 10, cols--);
       +        for (i = total;    i; i /= 10, cols--);
       +        cols -= !matching ? 1 : 0;  /* 0 also has one digit*/
       +        /* actual prompt */
       +        fprintf(stderr, "\r%-6s\033[K\033[1m>\033[m ", opt_prompt);
       +        cols -= 2 + MAX(strlen(opt_prompt), 6);
       +        /* input without overflowing terminal width */
       +        for (i = 0; i < strlen(input) && cols > 0; cols--, i++)
       +                fputc(input[i], stderr);
       +        /* save the cursor position at the end of the input */
       +        fputs("\033[s", stderr);
       +        /* grey */
       +        fputs("\033[1;30m", stderr);
       +        /* go to the end of the line */
       +        fprintf(stderr, "\033[%dC", cols);
       +        /* total match and line count at the end of the line */
       +        fprintf(stderr, "%d/%d", matching, total);
       +        /* restore cursor position at the end of the input */
       +        fputs("\033[m\033[u", stderr);
       + * Listen for the user input and call the appropriate functions.
       + */
       +input_get(int tty_fd)
       +        FILE *tty_fp = fopen("/dev/tty", "r");
       +        int   exit_code;
       +        /* receive one character at a time from the terminal */
       +        struct termios termio_old = set_terminal(tty_fd);
       +        while ((exit_code = input_key(tty_fp)) == CONTINUE)
       +                draw_screen(tty_fd);
       +        /* resets the terminal to the previous state. */
       +        tcsetattr(tty_fd, TCSANOW, &termio_old);
       +        fclose(tty_fp);
       +        return exit_code;
       + * Perform action associated with key
       + */
       +input_key(FILE *tty_fp)
       +        extern char *input;
       +        char key = fgetc(tty_fp);
       +        if (key == '\n') {
       +                action_print_selection(0);
       +                return EXIT_SUCCESS;
       +        }
       +        switch (key) {
       +        case CONTROL('C'):
       +                draw_clear(opt_lines);
       +                return EXIT_FAILURE;
       +        case CONTROL('U'):
       +                input[0] = '\0';
       +                current = 0;
       +                filter_lines(0);
       +                action_jump(1);
       +                action_jump(-1);
       +                break;
       +        case CONTROL('W'):
       +                action_remove_word_input();
       +                filter_lines(0);
       +                break;
       +        case 127:
       +        case CONTROL('H'):  /* backspace */
       +                input[strlen(input) - 1] = '\0';
       +                filter_lines(0);
       +                action_jump(0);
       +                break;
       +        case CONTROL('N'):
       +                action_jump(1);
       +                break;
       +        case CONTROL('P'):
       +                action_jump(-1);
       +                break;
       +        case CONTROL('I'):  /* tab */
       +                strcpy(input, buffer[current]->text);
       +                filter_lines(1);
       +                break;
       +        case CONTROL('J'):
       +        case CONTROL('M'):  /* enter */
       +                action_print_selection(0);
       +                return EXIT_SUCCESS;
       +        case CONTROL('@'):  /* ctrl + space */
       +                action_print_selection(1);
       +                return EXIT_SUCCESS;
       +        case CONTROL('['):  /* escape */
       +                switch (fgetc(tty_fp)) {
       +                case 'O':  /* arrow keys */
       +                        switch (fgetc(tty_fp)) {
       +                        case 'A':  /* up */
       +                                action_jump(-1);
       +                                break;
       +                        case 'B':  /* Down */
       +                                action_jump(1);
       +                                break;
       +                        }
       +                        break;
       +                case '[':  /* page control */
       +                        key = fgetc(tty_fp);
       +                        switch(fgetc(tty_fp)) {
       +                        case '~':
       +                                switch (key) {
       +                                case '5': /* page up */
       +                                        action_jump(-10);
       +                                        break;
       +                                case '6': /* page down */
       +                                        action_jump(10);
       +                                        break;
       +                                }
       +                                break;
       +                        }
       +                        break;
       +                }
       +                break;
       +        default:
       +                action_add_character(key);
       +        }
       +        return CONTINUE;
       + * Set the buffer[current] line to next/previous/any matching line.
       + */
       +action_jump(int direction)
       +        Line * line   = buffer[current];
       +        Line * result = line;
       +        if (direction == 0 && !buffer[current]->match) {
       +                line   =               matching_next(current);
       +                line   = line ? line : matching_prev(current);
       +                result = line ? line : result;
       +        }
       +        for (; direction < 0 && line; direction++) {
       +                line   = matching_prev(line);
       +                result = line ? line : result;
       +        }
       +        for (; direction > 0 && line; direction--) {
       +                line   = matching_next(line);
       +                result = line ? line : result;
       +        }
       +        buffer[current] = result;
       + * Remove the last word from the buffer's input
       + */
       +        size_t len = strlen(input) - 1;
       +        for (int i = len; i >= 0 && isspace(input[i]); i--)
       +                input[i] = '\0';
       +        len = strlen(input) - 1;
       +        for (int i = len; i >= 0 && !isspace(input[i]); i--)
       +                input[i] = '\0';
       + * Add a character to the buffer input and filter lines again.
       + */
       +action_add_character(char key)
       +        size_t len = strlen(input);
       +        if (isprint(key)) {
       +                input[len]     = key;
       +                input[len + 1] = '\0';
       +        }
       +        filter_lines(1);
       +        action_jump(0);
       + * Send the selection to stdout.
       + */
       +action_print_selection(int return_input)
       +        fputs("\r\033[K", stderr);
       +        if (return_input || !matching) {
       +                puts(input);
       +        } else if (matching > 0) {
       +                puts(buffer[current]->text);
       +        }
       +opt_line_numbers  = 0;
       +opt_print_number  = 0;
       +opt_lines         = 30;
       +opt_prompt        = "";
   DIR diff --git a/iomenu.h b/iomenu.h
       @@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
       -/*--- constants --------------------------------------------------------------*/
       -#define LINE_SIZE  1024
       -#define OFFSET     5
       -#define CONTINUE   2  /* as opposed to EXIT_SUCCESS and EXIT_FAILURE */
       -/*--- macros -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
       -#define CONTROL(char) (char ^ 0x40)
       -#define MIN(X, Y) (((X) < (Y)) ? (X) : (Y))
       -#define MAX(X, Y) (((X) > (Y)) ? (X) : (Y))
       -/*--- structures -------------------------------------------------------------*/
       -typedef struct Line {
       -        char *text;  /* sent as output and matched by input */
       -        int   match;   /* whether it matches buffer's input */
       -} Line;
       -/*--- variables --------------------------------------------------------------*/
       -Line **buffer;
       -int    current, matching, total;
       -int    opt_lines;
       -char  *opt_prompt, *input;
       -/*--- functions --------------------------------------------------------------*/
       -/* iomenu */
       -void            die(const char *);
       -struct termios set_terminal(int);
       -void           usage(void);
       -/* buffer */
       -void   fill_buffer(void);
       -void   free_buffer();
       -Line * add_line(int, char *, char *, Line *);
       -Line * new_line(char *, char *);
       -Line * matching_next(int);
       -Line * matching_prev(int);
       -int    match_line(Line *, char **, size_t);
       -void   filter_lines(int);
       -/* draw */
       -void draw_screen(int);
       -void draw_clear(int);
       -void draw_line(Line *, int);
       -void draw_lines(int, int);
       -void draw_prompt(int);
       -/* input */
       -int  input_get(int);
       -int  input_key(FILE *);
       -void action_jump(int);
       -void action_print_selection(int);
       -void action_remove_word_input();
       -void action_add_character(char);