       ttical.1 - ics2txt - convert icalendar .ics file to plain text
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       ttical.1 (1537B)
            1 .Dd $Mdocdate: Mar 1 2020$
            2 .Dt TICAL 1
            3 .Os
            4 .
            5 .
            6 .Sh NAME
            7 .
            8 .Nm tical
            9 .Nd convert ics file to simpler tsv or txt formats
           10 .
           11 .
           12 .Sh SYNOPSIS
           13 .
           14 .Nm tical-tsv Ar <file.ics >file.tsv
           15 .Nm tical-ics Ar <file.tsv >file.ics
           16 .Nm tical-txt Ar <file.tsv >file.txt
           17 .Nm tical-back Ar <file.txt >file.tsv
           18 .
           19 .Sh DESCRIPTION
           20 .
           21 .Nm
           22 is set of awk scripts to deal with iCal
           23 .Pq Pa .ics
           24 format to publish, display and convert *.ics files, though a simple
           25 central TSV format.
           26 .Pp
           27 They all read from either stdin or the file passed as argument, and
           28 write to stdout.
           29 .
           30 .Pp
           31 .The
           32 .Pa file.tsv
           33 files have one line per event, all with the following fields,
           34 separated by one tab:
           35 .
           36 .Bl -offset 1n -width 1n -enum -compact
           37 .
           38 .It
           39 Begining (epoch)
           40 .
           41 .It
           42 End (epoch)
           43 .
           44 .It
           45 Category
           46 .
           47 .It
           48 Location
           49 .
           50 .It
           51 Summary
           52 .
           53 .It
           54 Description
           55 .
           56 .El
           57 .
           58 .
           59 .Sh EXAMPLES
           60 .
           61 Convert a calendar from HTTP
           62 .Pa .ics
           63 to custom
           64 .Pa .txt
           65 sorted by beginning:
           66 .Dl curl "$url.ics" | tical-tsv | sort -n -k 1,1 | tcal-txt
           67 .
           68 .Pp
           69 Convert a custom
           70 .Pa .txt
           71 format back to an
           72 .Pa .ics
           73 file and publish it:
           74 .Dl tical-back cal.txt | tcal-ics | ssh "www@$host" 'cat >/var/www/cal.ics'
           75 .
           76 .Pp
           77 Split an
           78 .ics
           79 file according to the category, saved as
           80 .Pa .tsv :
           81 .Dl tical-tsv cal.txt | awk -F '\et' '{ f = $3".tsv"; print >>f }'
           82 .
           83 .
           84 .Sh SEE ALSO
           85 .
           86 .Xr cal 1 ,
           87 .Xr calendar 1 ,
           88 .Xr date 1 ,
           89 .Xr sort 1
           90 .
           91 .
           92 .Sh STANDARDS
           93 .
           94 .Rs
           95 .%A Desruisseaux
           96 .%D September 2009
           97 .%T Internet Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object Specification (iCalendar)
           98 .%R RFC 5545
           99 .Re
          100 .
          101 .
          102 .Sh AUTHORS
          103 .
          104 .An Josuah Demangeon Aq Mt me@josuah.net