       tics2txt.1 - ics2txt - convert icalendar .ics file to plain text
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       tics2txt.1 (1730B)
            1 .Dd $Mdocdate: Mar 1 2020$
            2 .Dt ICS2TXT 1
            3 .Os
            4 .
            5 .
            6 .Sh NAME
            7 .
            8 .Nm ics2txt
            9 .Nd convert ics file to simpler tsv or txt formats
           10 .
           11 .
           12 .Sh SYNOPSIS
           13 .
           14 .Nm ics2txt Ar <file.ics >file.txt
           15 .Pp
           16 .Nm ics2txt Ar <file.tsv >file.ics
           17 .Nm ics2tsv Ar <file.ics >file.tsv
           18 .Nm tsv2tcal Ar <file.tsv >file.txt
           19 .Nm tcal2tsv Ar <file.txt >file.tsv
           20 .Nm tsv2ics Ar <file.tsv >file.ics
           21 .
           22 .Sh DESCRIPTION
           23 .
           24 .Nm
           25 is set of awk scripts to deal with iCal
           26 .Pq Pa .ics
           27 format to publish, display and convert *.ics files, though a simple
           28 central TSV format.
           29 .
           30 .Pp
           31 They all read from either stdin or the file passed as argument, and
           32 write to stdout.
           33 .
           34 .Pp
           35 .The
           36 .Pa file.tsv
           37 have one line per event, with the first line declaring fields order
           38 and presence, among:
           39 .
           40 .Bl -tag -width xxxxx -offset 1n -compact
           41 .It Dq beg
           42 Begining of event (epoch)
           43 .It Dq end
           44 End of event (epoch)
           45 .It Dq cat
           46 Category
           47 .It Dq loc
           48 Location
           49 .It Dq sum
           50 Summary
           51 .It Dq des
           52 Description
           53 .El
           54 .
           55 .
           56 .Sh EXAMPLES
           57 .
           58 Convert a calendar from HTTP
           59 .Pa .ics
           60 to custom
           61 .Pa .txt
           62 sorted by start date:
           63 .Dl curl "$url.ics" | ics2tsv | sort -n -k 1,1 | tsv2txt
           64 .
           65 .Pp
           66 Convert a custom
           67 .Pa .txt
           68 format back to an
           69 .Pa .ics
           70 file and publish it:
           71 .Dl tcal2tsv cal.txt | tsv2ics | ssh "www@$host" 'cat >/var/www/cal.ics'
           72 .
           73 .Pp
           74 Split an
           75 .ics
           76 file according to the category, saved as
           77 .Pa .tsv :
           78 .Bd -literal
           79 ics2tsv cal.txt | awk -F '\et' '
           80         NR == 1 { for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) F[$i] = i; next }
           81         { print >>($F["cat"]".tsv") }
           82 \'
           83 .Ed
           84 .
           85 .
           86 .Sh SEE ALSO
           87 .
           88 .Xr cal 1 ,
           89 .Xr calendar 1 ,
           90 .Xr date 1 ,
           91 .Xr sort 1
           92 .
           93 .
           94 .Sh STANDARDS
           95 .
           96 .Rs
           97 .%A Desruisseaux
           98 .%D September 2009
           99 .%T Internet Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object Specification (iCalendar)
          100 .%R RFC 5545
          101 .Re
          102 .
          103 .
          104 .Sh AUTHORS
          105 .
          106 .An Josuah Demangeon Aq Mt me@josuah.net