       ics2tsv.1 - ics2txt - convert icalendar .ics file to plain text
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       ics2tsv.1 (2162B)
            1 .Dd $Mdocdate: Mar 1 2020$
            2 .Dt ICS2TSV 1
            3 .Os
            4 .
            5 .
            6 .Sh NAME
            7 .
            8 .Nm ics2tsv
            9 .Nd convert an icalendar.ics file to tsv
           10 .
           11 .
           12 .Sh SYNOPSIS
           13 .
           14 .Nm ics2tsv
           15 .Op Fl 1
           16 .Op Fl f Ar fields
           17 .Op Fl s Ar subsep
           18 .Op Fl t Ar timefmt
           19 .Ar [file.ics...] >file.tsv
           20 .
           21 .Sh DESCRIPTION
           22 .
           23 .Nm
           24 is a converter that parse icalendar format and produces lines of output.
           25 Every line represents an element delimited by
           26 .Dq BEGIN:
           27 and
           28 .Dq  END:
           29 among
           30 .Dq VEVENT ,
           31 .Dq VTODO ,
           32 .Dq VJOURNAL ,
           33 .Dq VFREEBUSY ,
           34 and
           35 .Dq VALARM .
           36 .
           37 .Pp
           38 The lines are filled with tab-delimited fields, with the first ones:
           39 .
           40 .Bl -enum
           41 .
           42 .It
           43 Element type, as encountered after
           44 .Dq BEGIN
           45 and
           46 .Dq END ;
           47 .
           48 .It
           49 Start date, present for
           50 .Dq VEVENT ,
           51 .Dq VJOURNAL ,
           52 .Dq VFREEBUSY ,
           53 and
           54 .Dq VALARM
           55 types.
           56 .
           57 .It
           58 End date, present for
           59 .Dq VEVENT ,
           60 .Dq VTODO ,
           61 .Dq VFREEBUSY ,
           62 and
           63 .Dq VALARM
           64 types.
           65 .
           66 .It
           67 Reserved for future use.
           68 .
           69 .El
           70 .
           71 .Pp
           72 And the other fields starting from
           73 .Pq 5.
           74 chosen by the
           75 .Fl f
           76 flag.
           77 By default:
           79 .
           80 .Bl -tag
           81 .
           82 .It Fl 1
           83 Show the name of the columns on the first line before the content.
           84 .
           85 .It Fl f Ar field1,field2,field3...
           86 Chooses the fields from the icalendar to display, in this order,
           87 separated by a comma
           88 .Pq Sq \&,
           89 and case-insensitive
           90 .
           91 .It Fl s Ar subsep
           92 When there are multiple fields with the same value, they are
           93 concatenated with
           94 .Ar subsep
           95 separator, by default a comma
           96 .Pq Sq \&, .
           97 .
           98 .It Fl t Ar timefmt
           99 Dates from 2nd and 3rd fields are formatted with a
          100 .Xr strftime 3
          101 string
          102 .Ar timeftm ,
          103 by default in seconds since 1970/01/01.
          104 .
          105 .El
          106 .
          107 .
          109 .
          110 .Bl -tag
          111 .
          112 .It TZ
          113 Timezone to use for printing dates, as documented by
          114 .Xr tzset 3 .
          115 .
          116 .El
          117 .
          118 .
          119 .Sh EXAMPLES
          120 .
          121 .Pp
          122 Split an
          123 .ics
          124 file according to the category, saved as
          125 .Pa .tsv :
          126 .Bd -literal
          127 ics2tsv -f CATEGORIES icalendar.ics | awk -F '\et' '{ print >>($6".tsv") }\'
          128 .Ed
          129 .
          130 .
          131 .Sh SEE ALSO
          132 .
          133 .Xr cal 1 ,
          134 .Xr calendar 1 ,
          135 .Xr date 1 ,
          136 .Xr tsv2agenda 1 ,
          137 .Xr tzset 3
          138 .
          139 .
          140 .Sh STANDARDS
          141 .
          142 .Rs
          143 .%A Desruisseaux
          144 .%D September 2009
          145 .%T Internet Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object Specification (iCalendar)
          146 .%R RFC 5545
          147 .Re
          148 .
          149 .
          150 .Sh AUTHORS
          151 .
          152 .An Josuah Demangeon Aq Mt me@josuah.net