       tindex.gph - gopher-lawn - The gopher lawn gopher directory project.
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/gopher-lawn/ git://hg6vgqziawt5s4dj.onion/gopher-lawn/
   DIR Log
   DIR Files
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   DIR Tags
       tindex.gph (4710B)
            2         ~~[[ T H E  G O P H E R  L A W N ]]~~
            3                            _____  ___
            4    ,    ,    ,~~~~~~~~~~~~/  |  \/  |~~~~, ... ,.,
            5   -o-  -O-   ,~~~~~~~~~~~~|  |  ||  |~.~~| .O. ~o~
            6    |   \|/   |~[WELCOME]..| o| `|| o|.`~~|  |  \|/
            7   \|/   |    |.`~~`...––`,|  |` ||  |~.``| \|/  |
            8 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,\ | /,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
            9 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| | |^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
           10              ___/  v  \________
           12 _____[[ C_A_T_E_G_O_R_I_E_S ]]
           13 [1|abandonware - still useful old software|c/abandonware.gph|server|port]
           14 [1|archive - archives and collections|c/archive.gph|server|port]
           15 [1|ascii - ASCII output and art|c/ascii.gph|server|port]
           16 [1|auction - auction sites|c/auction.gph|server|port]
           17 [1|bbs - bulletin board systems|c/bbs.gph|server|port]
           18 [1|book - holes offering books|c/book.gph|server|port]
           19 [1|c - c programming language|c/c.gph|server|port]
           20 [1|ccso - ccso name-server related stuff|c/ccso.gph|server|port]
           21 [1|commodore - holes related to commodore|c/commodore.gph|server|port]
           22 [1|community - communities|c/community.gph|server|port]
           23 [1|conference - conferences|c/conference.gph|server|port]
           24 [1|cooking - recipies and new food things to try out|c/cooking.gph|server|port]
           25 [1|cryptocoin - cryptocurrency related holes|c/cryptocoin.gph|server|port]
           26 [1|doc - documentation like manpages|c/doc.gph|server|port]
           27 [1|fiction - scifi, fiction, adventures, all is here.|c/fiction.gph|server|port]
           28 [1|fortran - fortran programming language|c/fortran.gph|server|port]
           29 [1|fortune - find your fortune|c/fortune.gph|server|port]
           30 [1|fun - fun, games, be happy|c/fun.gph|server|port]
           31 [1|game - games of all kinds on gopher|c/game.gph|server|port]
           32 [1|gopher - gopher-specifc resources|c/gopher.gph|server|port]
           33 [1|hackerspace - hackerspaces and their holes|c/hackerspace.gph|server|port]
           34 [1|hacking - hacking-related information|c/hacking.gph|server|port]
           35 [1|homepage - personal homepages on gopher|c/homepage.gph|server|port]
           36 [1|hosting - sites offering free shells, gopher hosting|c/hosting.gph|server|port]
           37 [1|ietf - internet engineering task force (RFCs)|c/ietf.gph|server|port]
           38 [1|jargon - jargon files, search|c/jargon.gph|server|port]
           39 [1|learning - life is learning|c/learning.gph|server|port]
           40 [1|magazine - magazines|c/magazine.gph|server|port]
           41 [1|manpage - manpages of various kinds|c/manpage.gph|server|port]
           42 [1|music - music and audio|c/music.gph|server|port]
           43 [1|news - news sites from international to national|c/news.gph|server|port]
           44 [1|onion - gopher holes on the tor network|c/onion.gph|server|port]
           45 [1|pastebin - pastebin services|c/pastebin.gph|server|port]
           46 [1|phlog - phlogs (blog on gopher)|c/phlog.gph|server|port]
           47 [1|plan9 - plan 9 operating system|c/plan9.gph|server|port]
           48 [1|podcast - podcasts|c/podcast.gph|server|port]
           49 [1|poll - poll services|c/poll.gph|server|port]
           50 [1|porn - porn of all kinds (nsfw)|c/porn.gph|server|port]
           51 [1|python - python programming language|c/python.gph|server|port]
           52 [1|search - search on gopher|c/search.gph|server|port]
           53 [1|shell - services offering shell accounts|c/shell.gph|server|port]
           54 [1|shorten - shorten uri services|c/shorten.gph|server|port]
           55 [1|software - holes with software projects|c/software.gph|server|port]
           56 [1|spanish - spanish content|c/spanish.gph|server|port]
           57 [1|ssh - ssh services|c/ssh.gph|server|port]
           58 [1|technology - technology-related holes|c/technology.gph|server|port]
           59 [1|telnet - telnet services|c/telnet.gph|server|port]
           60 [1|twtxt - twtxt (simple twitter) services|c/twtxt.gph|server|port]
           61 [1|unix - unix operating system|c/unix.gph|server|port]
           62 [1|vintage - vintage software, technology, software and others|c/vintage.gph|server|port]
           63 [1|vms - vms operating system|c/vms.gph|server|port]
           64 [1|web - web2gopher interfaces or web service replacements|c/web.gph|server|port]
           65 [1|wiki - wiki gopher interfaces|c/wiki.gph|server|port]
           67 _____[[ FUN ]]
           68 [1|I am bored, give me a random link.|/lawn/bored.dcgi|server|port]
           70 _____[[ C_H_A_N_G_E_S ]]
           72 _____[[ P_R_O_J_E_C_T ]]
           73 [1|Goals & Style Guide & Linking Guide|/lawn/guide.gph|server|port]
           75 _____[[ S_E_A_R_C_H ]]
           76 [1|Search the Gopher Lawn.|/lawn/search.dcgi|server|port]
           77 [7|Search the global gopherspace at Veronica II|/v2/vs|gopher.floodgap.com|70]
           79 _____[[ P_R_O_P_O_S_E__A__L_I_N_K ]]
           80 You want to propose a link or your own website? Either go on
           81 #bitreich-lawn on freenode IRC or use the following link.
           83 [1|Proposal menu.|/lawn/submit.dcgi|server|port]
           85 If you want to save the moderators time, check out
           86 [h|git://bitreich.org/gopher-lawn|URL:git://bitreich.org/gopher-lawn|server|port]
           87 and add a file with categories and keywords to the »db« directory. There
           88 are many example files in there for how the format looks like.
           91 [1|<< back to bitreich.org|/|server|port]