       Migrate to new lawn technology. - gopher-lawn - The gopher lawn gopher directory project.
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/gopher-lawn/ git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/gopher-lawn/
   DIR Log
   DIR Files
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   DIR commit e1651a3818caaf7c33d966b9c8848f062111dcbf
   DIR parent 571b2187796017ed0d5667296800d566fcb2cd23
  HTML Author: Christoph Lohmann <20h@r-36.net>
       Date:   Fri, 28 Aug 2020 12:41:30 +0200
       Migrate to new lawn technology.
         D archives/index.gph                  |      15 ---------------
         D ascii/index.gph                     |      14 --------------
         D bbs/index.gph                       |      22 ----------------------
         D doc/index.gph                       |      23 -----------------------
         D fun/index.gph                       |      27 ---------------------------
         D game/index.gph                      |      44 -------------------------------
         D gopher/index.gph                    |      39 -------------------------------
         M guide.gph                           |      21 ++++++++++-----------
         D hackerspace/index.gph               |       8 --------
         D history/index.gph                   |      47 -------------------------------
         D homepage/index.gph                  |     125 -------------------------------
         D hosting/index.gph                   |      26 --------------------------
         M index.gph                           |     109 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------
         M index.gph.tmpl                      |      56 +++++++++++++------------------
         D news/index.gph                      |      14 --------------
         D onion/index.gph                     |      44 -------------------------------
         D paste/index.gph                     |      11 -----------
         D phlog/index.gph                     |      68 -------------------------------
         D rss/index.gph                       |      14 --------------
         M search.dcgi                         |       4 ++--
         D shorten/index.gph                   |       8 --------
         D software/index.gph                  |      29 -----------------------------
         M submit.dcgi                         |       5 +++--
         D twit/index.gph                      |       8 --------
         D web/index.gph                       |      32 -------------------------------
         D wiki/index.gph                      |       8 --------
       26 files changed, 117 insertions(+), 704 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/archives/index.gph b/archives/index.gph
       @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
       -[1|Interactive Fiction Archive|/if-archive/|gopher.661.org|70]
       -Articles, books, software, games, and tools about Interactive Fiction
       -[1|Library of Discordianism|/|gopher.libraryoferis.org|70]
       -Library on Discordianism, curated by Saint Tiwesdaeg Twohands,
       -Grand Librarian of the Bureaucratic Order of Obtuse Kodexes.
       -[1|Phrack Magazin Archive|/Mirrors/Phrack/Archive/Issues/|fnord.one|65446]
       -The Phrack Magazine archive on gopher.
       -[1|<< back|/lawn|server|port]
   DIR diff --git a/ascii/index.gph b/ascii/index.gph
       @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
       -[1|Mateusz's ASCII arts|/attic/ascii-art|gopher.viste.fr|70]
       -Various ASCII arts from Mateuz's attic
       -[0|ASCII Art farts|/fortune.cgi|gopher.su|70]
       -Random (and maybe offensive) ASCII art fortunes
       -[1|Figlet generator|/fun/figletgw|gopher.floodgap.com|70]
       -A generator of ASCII art from text, with dozens of available fonts.
       -[1|<< back|/lawn|server|port]
   DIR diff --git a/bbs/index.gph b/bbs/index.gph
       @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
       -[8|Dura-Europe BBS|a|dura-bbs.net|6359]
       -The Dura-Europe BBS system.
       -[8|DJ's place|a|bbs.impakt.net|6502]
       -DJ's bbs.
       -[8|Commodore bulletin board|a|particlesbbs.dyndns.org|6400]
       -Commodore bulletin board community.
       -[8|Synchronet BBS at bbs.kd3.us|a|bbs.kd3.us|23]
       -Synchronet BBS node at k3d.us, hosting historical utilities, games, documentation
       -and more.
       -[8|Synchronet BBS at synchro.net|a|bbs.synchro.net|23]
       -Synchronet BBS at synchro.net, hosting historical utilities, games, documentation
       -and more.
       -[1|<< back|/lawn|server|port]
   DIR diff --git a/doc/index.gph b/doc/index.gph
       @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
       -[1|OpenBSD manpages|/|perso.pw|70]
       -OpenBSD manpages via gopher.
       -[1|IETF BCPs|/Mirrors/BCP/|fnord.one|65446]
       -The IETF's 'Best Current Practice' documents.
       -[1|IETF FYIs|/Mirrors/FYI/|fnord.one|65446]
       -The IETF's 'For Your Information' documents.
       -[1|IETF RFCs|/Mirrors/RFC/|fnord.one|65446]
       -The IETF RFCs available on gopher.
       -[1|IETF STDs|/Mirrors/STD/|fnord.one|65446]
       -The IETF Internet Standards.
       -[1|Python Enhancement Proposals (PEPs)|/Mirrors/PEP/|fnord.one|65446]
       -The Python Enhancement Proposals.
       -[1|<< back|/lawn|server|port]
   DIR diff --git a/fun/index.gph b/fun/index.gph
       @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
       -[7|Hypochondria disease search|/hypochondria|bitreich.org|70]
       -Find the worst disease fitting to your current situation.
       -A learning site for beginners and life long learners. A retro computing
       -sandbox in which to play and explore.
       -[1|goat.se on gopher (onion)||goatsex6p2gn5rqx.onion|70]
       -Goatsex on gopher. (NSFW)
       -[1|khzae.net polls|/poll|khzae.net|70]
       -Create your own poll on khzae.net.
       -[1|ASCII table, Jargon file on gopherspace|/ascii|i-logout.cz|70]
       -The ASCII table and the Jargon file on gopherspace.
       -[0|ASCII Art farts|/fortune.cgi|gopher.su|70]
       -Random (and maybe offensive) ASCII fortunes.
       -[1|Figlet generator|/fun/figletgw|gopher.floodgap.com|70]
       -A generator of ASCII art from text, with dozens of available fonts.
       -[1|<< back|/lawn|server|port]
   DIR diff --git a/game/index.gph b/game/index.gph
       @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
       -[1|World of Solitaire|/|worldofsolitaire.com|70]
       -Over 60 solitaire games, available on gopher.
       -TicTacToe on gopher.
       -[0|Dice Game|/OnlineTools/virtualdice.cgi|gopher.viste.fr|70]
       -Roll a dice.
       -[0|What is my IP in ASCII?|/OnlineTools/whatsmyip.cgi|gopher.viste.fr|70]
       -Show your IP in big ASCII letters.
       -Hangman on gopher.
       -[7|Mini computer jargon dictionary|/OnlineTools/askdico.cgi|gopher.viste.fr|70]
       -Ask the mini computer jargon dictionary.
       -[7|Rot13 coder/decoder|/OnlineTools/rot13.cgi|gopher.viste.fr|70]
       -Use the secure rot13 en-/de-cryption for fun.
       -[1|Day Of The GrParazyd|/dotg|parazyd.org|70]
       -A gopher cloud online text adventure that evolved at FOSDEM.
       -[1|Telnet Games|/|telnetgames.de|70]
       -A collection of telnet games you can fight against eachother.
       -[0|Plant Tamagotchi Service|/garden/garden.txt|shroom.party|70]
       -A plant tamagotchi-like service you can run on your own IRC channel too.
       -Text-based adventure games on gopher.
       -[1|ShadowGate Multi User Dungeon|/|shadowgate.org|70]
       -Text-based multiplayer interactive fiction DnD derivative game.
       -[1|See your Future.|/tarot.dcgi|parazyd.org|70]
       -See your future tarot cards and interpretation at parazyd.org.
       -[1|<< back|/lawn|server|port]
   DIR diff --git a/gopher/index.gph b/gopher/index.gph
       @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
       -[1|The Gopher Project||gopherproject.org|70]
       -The Gopher Project is the central gathering place for all people interested
       -in spreading gopher and it's ideas.
       -[0|Gopher Manifesto|/text/gopher-manifesto|gopher.su|70]
       -The Gopher Manifesto.
       -[0|Gopher is relevant|/gopher/relevance.txt|gopher.floodgap.com|70]
       -Gopher is always relevant.
       -[1|Gopher.su, defending against the web||gopher.su|70]
       -Gopher.su is holding out against the web.
       -[1|The Gopher FAQ|/gopher-faq/|gopher.viste.fr|70]
       -The Gopher FAQ.
       -Bitreich.org is promoting gopher and its further development.
       -[1|Overbite Project|/overbite|gopher.floodgap.com|70]
       -The Overbite Project creates a gopher plugin for firefox, chrome and a mobile
       -client for gopher.
       -[1|Gopher Places at gopher.black|/places|gopher.black|70]
       -A collection of interesting places in gopherspace.
       -[1|Contrition search engine|/contrition|forthworks.com|70]
       -Search the Gopherspace with Contrition, a search engine curated by Charles
       -[1|Gopher-related documents at cyber.dabamos.de|/gopher/|cyber.dabamos.de|70]
       -A collection of gopher-related stuff, including many old documents about
       -tthe early days of gopher.
       -[1|<< back|/lawn|server|port]
   DIR diff --git a/guide.gph b/guide.gph
       @@ -1,26 +1,25 @@
       -                       T H E   G O P H E R  L A W N
       +         ~~[[ T H E  G O P H E R  L A W N ]]~~
       -Goals of THE GOPHER LAWN project.
       +Style and Entry Guide.
       -* Categorize _all_ of the gopherspace.
       -* Get yahoo.com port 70 to redirect to the project main page.
       +_____[[ G_O_A_L_S ]]
       +Goals of THE GOPHER LAWN project.
       -Style guide.
       +* Categorize the interesting part of the gopherspace.
       -* Keep to the barebone-index.gph which is provided.
       -* Style needs to be adapted to time and space.
       +_____[[ S_T_Y_L_E ]]
       +Writing the index file for a gopherhole is very easy. Just see the
       +example.link file.
       +_____[[ N_A_M_I_N_G ]]
        Category naming.
        * The frontpage categories have to be self-describing. Unobvious naming will
          lead to too much text, making the directory unusable.
        * If some naming is too complex, make the internal search more practical.
       +_____[[ L_I_N_K_I_N_G ]]
        Linking guide.
        * Pick a short name for the link.
   DIR diff --git a/hackerspace/index.gph b/hackerspace/index.gph
       @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
       -[1|Binary Kitchen Hackerspace Regensburg, Germany|/|gopher.binary-kitchen.de|70]
       -Gopherhole of the Hackerspace in Regensburg, Germany.
       -[1|<< back|/lawn|server|port]
   DIR diff --git a/history/index.gph b/history/index.gph
       @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
       -[1|Cmccabe's index of old unix systems|/~cmccabe/pubnixhist/|rawtext.club|70]
       -An index of old unix multi-user systems.
       -This server has a lot of information of history interest,
       -funny, or just plain entertaining -- all presented in Gopher.
       -There are many mirrors of rare or valuable files with the aim
       -tto preserve them in case their host disappears.
       -[1|Old technology ads|/attic/old technology ads|gopher.viste.fr|70]
       -A collection of old technology-related commercial ads from
       -ancient times when life was simple.
       -Abandoneware (old software) at viste.fr.
       -[1|Old Gopher Project|/oldgophers|orion.ka10.de|70]
       -See a collection of old gopher clients and gopher on everything.
       -[1|KA10 computer museum|/museum|orion.ka10.de|70]
       -Use old computers like VAX or PDP-10 right here from your shell.
       -[1|US Intelligence Files|/users/dbucklin/files|sdf.org|70]
       -Unclassified or declassified documents in the US.
       -[1|Touchfone collection|/phones|baud.baby|70]
       -A collection of touchfones.
       -[h|Multics at trnsz.com|URL:ssh://dps8@m.trnsz.com|server|port]
       -Experience a multics shell. All live and in color.
       -[1|Cyber Vanguard's gopherhole|/|cyber.dabamos.de|70]
       -Cyber Vanguard's gopherhole, showing gopher-related files, abandonware,
       -FORTRAN code, and other old stuff.
       -[h|Trip Report to Gophercon 1993|URL:http://prentissriddle.com/trips/gophercon1993.html|server|port]
       -A trip report to gophercon 1993. Very interesting to read.
       -[1|CCSO Nameserver Resources|/ccso|mozz.us|70]
       -Collection of guides, specifications and source code regarding CCSO
       -[1|<< back|/lawn|server|port]
   DIR diff --git a/homepage/index.gph b/homepage/index.gph
       @@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
       -[1|A Gopher Hole of Verisimilitudes||verisimilitudes.net|70]
       -Verisimilitudes showing his articles, laregly about novel programs of him.
       -[1|Gopherholes at SDF.org|/maps|sdf.org|70]
       -Discover a thousand personal gopherholes at SDF.org.
       -[1|Emiel Kollof's gopherhole||kollof.nl|70]
       -Emiel Kollof's gopherhole.
       -[1|Lumidify's gopherhole||lumidify.org|70]
       -Lumidify's personal page over gopher.
       -[1|20h's gopherhole||r-36.net|70]
       -20h's personal homepage.
       -[1|Solene's gopherhole|/~solene/|dataswamp.org|70]
       -Solene's technical blog.
       -[1|SquareHimself's gopherhole|/|gopher.silentmessengers.org|70]
       -SquareHimself showing bible references and his work on gopher projects.
       -[1|Evil_Bob's (hiltjo) gopherhole||codemadness.org|70]
       -Evil_Bob's (hiltjo) gopherhole showing his project repositories.
       -[1|Kroovy's gopherhole||kroovy.de|70]
       -Kroovy's personal homepage.
       -[1|Raspberry Pi of Death 2|/|gopher.leveck.us|70]
       -A homepage with many interesting stuff to find.
       -[1|matto's gopherhole|/|box.matto.nl|70]
       -Matto's personal gopherhole with articles about software.
       -[1|Mateusz's gopherhole|/|gopher.viste.fr|70]
       -There is much to see here about gopher history and a media search.
       -[1|lambda's gopherhole|/|fnord.one|65446]
       -Here you find RFCs, Phrack magazines.
       -[1|dawoodfall's gopherhole|/|dawoodfall.net|70]
       -Dawoodfall's gopherhole showing his software.
       -[1|josuah's gopherhole|/|josuah.net|70]
       -Josuah showing interesting software projects.
       -[1|parazyd's gopherhole|/|parazyd.org|70]
       -Parazyd showing fun and his personal things.
       -Mattwyrm's gopherhole showing access to VMS and his projects.
       -[1|Tomasino's gopherhole|/|gopher.black|70]
       -Tomasino's gopherhole, containing his phlog, writing, recipes and more.
       -[1|Ze Libertine Gamer's gopherhole|/|zlg.space|70]
       -Zlg's gopherhole offers content relating to video games, design, and
       -[1|Sdk's gopherhole|/|codevoid.de|70]
       -sdk's developments and gopher services
       -[1|Tilde Team Members|/|tilde.team|70]
       -Index of tilde.team member homepages.
       -[1|Tilde Town Members|/|tilde.town|70]
       -Index of tilde.town member homepages.
       -[1|trqx's gopherhole|/|shroom.party|70]
       -Trqx's homepage with many services he wrote.
       -[1|KatolaZ's gopherhole|/|kalos.mine.nu|70]
       -KatolaZ's gopherhole, showing his software.
       -[1|Charles Childers' gopherhole|/|atua.forthworks.com|70]
       -Charles Childers' gopherhole, showing his software and projects.
       -[1|boomlin.de gopherhole|/|boomlin.de|70]
       -boomlin.de gopherhole, containing documents, music, software, and stuff.
       -[1|Jason Nemrow's gopherhole|/|botswana.quix.us|70]
       -Jason Nemrow's gopherhole, showing writings, old software, documentation,
       -podcasts, and more.
       -[1|Consolo Consola|/|consoloconsola.ddns.net|70]
       -Consolo Consola's gopherhole, with documents and tutorials about unix
       -and the Internet (in Spanish).
       -[1|Cyber Vanguard's gopherhole|/|cyber.dabamos.de|70]
       -Cyber Vanguard's gopherhole, showing gopher-related files, abandonware,
       -FORTRAN code, and images.
       -[1|Cardboard64's gopherhole|/~cardboard64|circumlunar.space|70]
       -Presenting his RuGopher client and a game engine and personal stuff.
       -[1|stevie77de's gopherhole|/|kamalatta.ddnss.de|70]
       -"Plan 9 from gopherspace" about his Plan 9 home network and other
       -stuff he likes.
       -[1|leot's gopherhole|/|tccr.it|70]
       -Leot's personal gopherspace.
       -[1|HINEZUMI MEDIALAB SHIPWRECK INC.|/|medialab.freaknet.org|70]
       -The Freaknet gopherspace.
       -Salvatore Sanfilippo's gopherspace.
       -raymii's gopherspace
       -gluon's gopherhole, presenting personal stuff and his projects.
       -Julien's gopherhole, including a list of active and dead gopher servers.
       -Anders Damsgaard's gopherhole and phlog with focus on climate science
       -[1|<< back|/lawn|server|port]
   DIR diff --git a/hosting/index.gph b/hosting/index.gph
       @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
       -[1|Super Dimension Fortress – SDF||freeshell.org|70]
       -The SDF Public Access UNIX System .. est. 1987
       -Contains a phlogosphere, gopherspere and you can host your own phlog
       -and gopherhole there.
       -A public service promoting free speech and public access on
       -tthe Internet.
       -An intentional digital community for making art, socializing, and learning.
       -[1|Circumlunar Space||circumlunar.space|70]
       -Free gopher hosting via sftp.
       -Free Linux hosting to individuals and nonprofit groups.
       -An experimental community for socializing through the medium of shells.
       -[1|<< back|/lawn|server|port]
   DIR diff --git a/index.gph b/index.gph
       @@ -1,38 +1,87 @@
       -                       T H E   G O P H E R  L A W N
       -If you want to propose a link or some category, go on IRC and contact __20h__
       -in #bitreich-en or #gopherproject on Freenode.
       -[1|ascii art|/lawn/ascii|server|port]
       -[1|bulletin board systems|/lawn/bbs|server|port]
       -[1|fun for everyone|/lawn/fun|server|port]
       -[1|historical important|/lawn/history|server|port]
       -[1|hosting / shells|/lawn/hosting|server|port]
       -[1|onion sites / tor|/lawn/onion|server|port]
       -[1|news sites|/lawn/news|server|port]
       -[1|paste services|/lawn/paste|server|port]
       -[1|rss feed interfaces|/lawn/rss|server|port]
       -[1|shortner servers|/lawn/shorten|server|port]
       -[1|software sites|/lawn/software|server|port]
       -[1|twitter / microblogging|/lawn/twit|server|port]
       -[1|web interfaces|/lawn/web|server|port]
       -[1|Goals & Style Guide & Linking Guide|/lawn/guide.gph|server|port]
       +        ~~[[ T H E  G O P H E R  L A W N ]]~~
       +                           _____  ___
       +   ,    ,    ,~~~~~~~~~~~~/  |  \/  |~~~~, ... ,.,
       +  -o-  -O-   ,~~~~~~~~~~~~|  |  ||  |~.~~| .O. ~o~
       +   |   \|/   |~[WELCOME]..| o| `|| o|.`~~|  |  \|/
       +  \|/   |    |.`~~`...––`,|  |` ||  |~.``| \|/  |
       +,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,\ | /,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
       +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| | |^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
       +             ___/  v  \________
       +_____[[ C_A_T_E_G_O_R_I_E_S ]]
       +[1|abandonware - still useful old software|c/abandonware.gph|server|port]
       +[1|archive - archives and collections|c/archive.gph|server|port]
       +[1|ascii - ASCII output and art|c/ascii.gph|server|port]
       +[1|auction - auction sites|c/auction.gph|server|port]
       +[1|bbs - bulletin board systems|c/bbs.gph|server|port]
       +[1|book - holes offering books|c/book.gph|server|port]
       +[1|c - c programming language|c/c.gph|server|port]
       +[1|ccso - ccso name-server related stuff|c/ccso.gph|server|port]
       +[1|commodore - holes related to commodore|c/commodore.gph|server|port]
       +[1|community - communities|c/community.gph|server|port]
       +[1|conference - conferences|c/conference.gph|server|port]
       +[1|cooking - recipies and new food things to try out|c/cooking.gph|server|port]
       +[1|cryptocoin - cryptocurrency related holes|c/cryptocoin.gph|server|port]
       +[1|doc - documentation like manpages|c/doc.gph|server|port]
       +[1|fiction - scifi, fiction, adventures, all is here.|c/fiction.gph|server|port]
       +[1|fortran - fortran programming language|c/fortran.gph|server|port]
       +[1|fortune - find your fortune|c/fortune.gph|server|port]
       +[1|fun - fun, games, be happy|c/fun.gph|server|port]
       +[1|game - games of all kinds on gopher|c/game.gph|server|port]
       +[1|gopher - gopher-specifc resources|c/gopher.gph|server|port]
       +[1|hackerspace - hackerspaces and their holes|c/hackerspace.gph|server|port]
       +[1|hacking - hacking-related information|c/hacking.gph|server|port]
       +[1|homepage - personal homepages on gopher|c/homepage.gph|server|port]
       +[1|hosting - sites offering free shells, gopher hosting|c/hosting.gph|server|port]
       +[1|ietf - internet engineering task force (RFCs)|c/ietf.gph|server|port]
       +[1|jargon - jargon files, search|c/jargon.gph|server|port]
       +[1|learning - life is learning|c/learning.gph|server|port]
       +[1|magazine - magazines|c/magazine.gph|server|port]
       +[1|manpage - manpages of various kinds|c/manpage.gph|server|port]
       +[1|music - music and audio|c/music.gph|server|port]
       +[1|news - news sites from international to national|c/news.gph|server|port]
       +[1|onion - gopher holes on the tor network|c/onion.gph|server|port]
       +[1|pastebin - pastebin services|c/pastebin.gph|server|port]
       +[1|phlog - phlogs (blog on gopher)|c/phlog.gph|server|port]
       +[1|plan9 - plan 9 operating system|c/plan9.gph|server|port]
       +[1|podcast - podcasts|c/podcast.gph|server|port]
       +[1|poll - poll services|c/poll.gph|server|port]
       +[1|porn - porn of all kinds (nsfw)|c/porn.gph|server|port]
       +[1|python - python programming language|c/python.gph|server|port]
       +[1|search - search on gopher|c/search.gph|server|port]
       +[1|shell - services offering shell accounts|c/shell.gph|server|port]
       +[1|shorten - shorten uri services|c/shorten.gph|server|port]
       +[1|software - holes with software projects|c/software.gph|server|port]
       +[1|spanish - spanish content|c/spanish.gph|server|port]
       +[1|ssh - ssh services|c/ssh.gph|server|port]
       +[1|technology - technology-related holes|c/technology.gph|server|port]
       +[1|telnet - telnet services|c/telnet.gph|server|port]
       +[1|twtxt - twtxt (simple twitter) services|c/twtxt.gph|server|port]
       +[1|unix - unix operating system|c/unix.gph|server|port]
       +[1|vintage - vintage software, technology, software and others|c/vintage.gph|server|port]
       +[1|vms - vms operating system|c/vms.gph|server|port]
       +[1|web - web2gopher interfaces or web service replacements|c/web.gph|server|port]
       +[1|wiki - wiki gopher interfaces|c/wiki.gph|server|port]
       -For now there is just a link to veronica. A way to search the gopher lawn
       -will be added in the future. If you want to help, come by our IRC!
       +_____[[ FUN ]]
       +[1|I am bored, give me a random link.|/lawn/bored.dcgi|server|port]
       +_____[[ C_H_A_N_G_E_S ]]
       +_____[[ P_R_O_J_E_C_T ]]
       +[1|Goals & Style Guide & Linking Guide|/lawn/guide.gph|server|port]
       +_____[[ S_E_A_R_C_H ]]
       +[1|Search the Gopher Lawn.|/lawn/search.dcgi|server|port]
        [7|Search the global gopherspace at Veronica II|/v2/vs|gopher.floodgap.com|70]
       +_____[[ P_R_O_P_O_S_E__A__L_I_N_K ]]
       +You want to propose a link or your own website? Either go on
       +#bitreich-lawn on freenode IRC or use the following link.
       +[1|Proposal menu.|/lawn/submit.dcgi|server|port]
        [1|<< back to bitreich.org|/|server|port]
   DIR diff --git a/index.gph.tmpl b/index.gph.tmpl
       @@ -1,45 +1,35 @@
       -                       T H E   G O P H E R  L A W N
       -If you want to propose a link or some category, go on IRC and contact __20h__
       -in #bitreich-en or #gopherproject on Freenode.
       -[1|archives of all sorts|/lawn/archives|server|port]
       -[1|ascii art|/lawn/ascii|server|port]
       -[1|bulletin board systems|/lawn/bbs|server|port]
       -[1|documentation / manpages|/lawn/doc|server|port]
       -[1|fun for everyone|/lawn/fun|server|port]
       -[1|historical important|/lawn/history|server|port]
       -[1|hosting / shells|/lawn/hosting|server|port]
       -[1|onion sites / tor|/lawn/onion|server|port]
       -[1|news sites|/lawn/news|server|port]
       -[1|paste services|/lawn/paste|server|port]
       -[1|rss feed interfaces|/lawn/rss|server|port]
       -[1|shortner servers|/lawn/shorten|server|port]
       -[1|software sites|/lawn/software|server|port]
       -[1|twitter / microblogging|/lawn/twit|server|port]
       -[1|web interfaces|/lawn/web|server|port]
       +        ~~[[ T H E  G O P H E R  L A W N ]]~~
       +                           _____  ___
       +   ,    ,    ,~~~~~~~~~~~~/  |  \/  |~~~~, ... ,.,
       +  -o-  -O-   ,~~~~~~~~~~~~|  |  ||  |~.~~| .O. ~o~
       +   |   \|/   |~[WELCOME]..| o| `|| o|.`~~|  |  \|/
       +  \|/   |    |.`~~`...––`,|  |` ||  |~.``| \|/  |
       +,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,\ | /,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
       +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| | |^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
       +             ___/  v  \________
       +_____[[ C_A_T_E_G_O_R_Y ]]
       +_____[[ C_A_T_E_G_O_R_I_E_S ]]
       +_____[[ FUN ]]
        [1|I am bored, give me a random link.|/lawn/bored.dcgi|server|port]
       +_____[[ C_H_A_N_G_E_S ]]
       +_____[[ P_R_O_J_E_C_T ]]
        [1|Goals & Style Guide & Linking Guide|/lawn/guide.gph|server|port]
       +_____[[ S_E_A_R_C_H ]]
        [1|Search the Gopher Lawn.|/lawn/search.dcgi|server|port]
        [7|Search the global gopherspace at Veronica II|/v2/vs|gopher.floodgap.com|70]
       +_____[[ P_R_O_P_O_S_E__A__L_I_N_K ]]
       +You want to propose a link or your own website? Either go on
       +#bitreich-lawn on freenode IRC or use the following link.
       +[1|Proposal menu.|/lawn/submit.dcgi|server|port]
        [1|<< back to bitreich.org|/|server|port]
   DIR diff --git a/news/index.gph b/news/index.gph
       @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
       -[1|CNN International|/cnn|codevoid.de|70]
       -World News from a USA perspective.
       -[1|Fefe's Blog|/fefe|codevoid.de|70]
       -German technology news from Felix von Leitner.
       -[1|Tageszeitung aus Berlin||taz.de|70]
       -A German newspaper from Berlin, Germany.
       -[1|<< back|/lawn|server|port]
   DIR diff --git a/onion/index.gph b/onion/index.gph
       @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
       -The bitreich hidden service gopher.
       -[1|Pete's place||par7qdjbxvve57ts.onion|70]
       -Fortunes of Mao and 8ball plus a library of important texts.
       -A community focused on privacy, anonymity and security.
       -The host of geomyidae and other various resources.
       -[1|Lumidify's gopher||4kcetb7mo7hj6grozzybxtotsub5bempzo4lirzc3437amof2c2impyd.onion|70]
       -Lumidify's personal page over gopher.
       -[1|taz.de via onion||ibpj4qv7mufde33w.onion|70]
       -ttaz.de news via onion.
       -[1|Tomasino's gopher onion||blackgviz2y4nhrd.onion|70]
       -Tomasino's personal page over gopher.
       -[1|Sdk's gopherhole|/|codevoid4p3lowez.onion|70]
       -sdk's developments and gopher services (fefe blog, hackernews)
       -[1|leot's gopherhole|/|34wdliz62iyj7hlst66rb5zczixobpujwzos5fhssik7kt3thwew7kid.onion|70]
       -Leot's personal gopherspace.
       -[1|/ T H E E N D /|/|dek6dax7nbpb3sld.onion|70]
       -/ T H E E N D /'s main gopher server
       -[1|/ T H E E N D / file library|/|q6i2digirifigwp3263ecgn7yisx6e7wyvqu4jx2m4ipznpan5stgyyd.onion|70]
       -/ T H E E N D /'s gopher file library
       -[1|magical.fish onion service|/|5ubjadddy5tv46fy.onion|71]
       -Magical.fish onion service, with stock price, crypto price quotes and more.
       -Just another home for gopher junkies.
       -[1|<< back|/lawn|server|port]
   DIR diff --git a/paste/index.gph b/paste/index.gph
       @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
       -[1|0x1A4 paste server|/pastebin|0x1A4.1337.cx|70]
       -A gopher pastebin.
       -[1|me0w.net paste server|/pit|me0w.net|70]
       -A gopher pastebin.
       -[1|<< back|/lawn|server|port]
   DIR diff --git a/phlog/index.gph b/phlog/index.gph
       @@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
       -[1|Hundreds of phlogs at SDF|/phlogs|sdf.org|70]
       -Read hundreds of phlogs at SDF.org.
       -[1|Phlogroll phlog index|/moku-pona|gopher.black|70]
       -An aggregator of most recent phlog entries of the gopherspace.
       -[1|Robert Alberti's site on SDF|/users/alberti|sdf.org|70]
       -Co-creator of the internet gopher protocol has a site at sdf.org now.
       -[1|A phlog aggregator|/bongusta|i-logout.cz|70]
       -A nice phlog aggregator about all kind of topics.
       -[1|Kroovy's phlog|/Phlog|kroovy.de|70]
       -A technical and philosophical phlog.
       -[1|Xmanmonk's phlog|/users/xmanmonk|sdf.org|70]
       -A golden resource of phlog writing.
       -[1|Bitreich phlogs|/news.gph|server|port]
       -News aggregator of bitreich.org of all bitreich members.
       -[1|matto's phlog|/|box.matto.nl|70]
       -A phlog on technology.
       -[1|defanor's phlog|/~defanor|uberspace.net|70]
       -Defanor writing about technology and gopher.
       -[1|Auzymoto's phlog|/users/auzymoto/phlog|sdf.org|70]
       -A phlog on computers and more.
       -[1|Solderpunk's phlog|/~solderpunk|circumlunar.space|70]
       -A phlog on computing, electronics, simple living, more.
       -[1|C-Keen's phlog|/ckeen/phlog/|vernunftzentrum.de|70]
       -A phlog on gopher, programming and more.
       -[1|Zcray's phlog|/phlog/|gopher.zcrayfish.soy|70]
       -A phlog about gopher
       -[1|Dubst3pp4's phlog|/Phlog|l00t.de|70]
       -A phlog on computers and more.
       -[1|Tomasino's phlog|/phlog|gopher.black|70]
       -Tomasino's phlog about all of gopher.
       -[1|lich's phlog|/~lich|dataswamp.org|70]
       -lich's phlog about Musings.
       -[1|FAX SEX|/phlog|baud.baby|70]
       -FAX SEX's phlog, about gopher and other amenities. 
       -[1|Lucie's phlog about her transsexuality.|/~lucie|tilde.town|70]
       -Interesting phlog about a transition from male to female.
       -In a future of space ships a relay station is writing about adventures.
       -[1|jpmens's phlog||serf.jpmens.net|70]
       -Jan-Piet Mens phlog about Gopher and IT.
       -[1|Shane's World phlog|/shane/|ascendingcreations.com|70]
       -A phlog about random geeky stuff.
       -[1|<< back|/lawn|server|port]
   DIR diff --git a/rss/index.gph b/rss/index.gph
       @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
       -[1|Floodgap rss interface|/feeds/today|gopher.floodgap.com|70]
       -Offering: Democracy Now!, TidBITS, Voice of America, Wikinews.
       -[1|paopao Reddit feeds|/|forthworks.com|7004]
       -Some Reddit feeds about programming available over gopher.
       -[1|sfeed: RSS/Atom parser (and some format programs)|/git/sfeed/|git.codemadness.org|70]
       -It converts RSS/Atom feeds to a TAB-separated file and can format to Gopher.
       -[1|<< back|/lawn|server|port]
   DIR diff --git a/search.dcgi b/search.dcgi
       @@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ host="$3"
        printf "\n"
       -printf "                       T H E   G O P H E R  L A W N\n"
       +printf "         ~~[[ T H E  G O P H E R  L A W N ]]~~\n"
        printf "\n"
       -printf "________________________________S_E_A_R_C_H_______________________________\n"
       +printf "_____[[ S_E_A_R_C_H ]]\n"
        if [ -z "${search}" ];
   DIR diff --git a/shorten/index.gph b/shorten/index.gph
       @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
       -[1|fld.gp shortener|/gopher/shorten/|fld.gp|70]
       -Floodgap.com URI shortener.
       -[1|<< back|/lawn|server|port]
   DIR diff --git a/software/index.gph b/software/index.gph
       @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
       -[1|port 70||port70.net|70]
       -Home of mgod and includes a gopher message board.
       -[1|Felix Winkelmann||schinkel.bevuta.com|70]
       -The author of chicken scheme, bones and ?-prolog compiler.
       -A simple console gopher client.
       -A simple gopher server written in C.
       -[1|A simple C compiler||simple-cc.org|70]
       -SCC is a simple C compiler.
       -[1|A small gopher server written in lua|Gopher:Src:|gopher.conman.org|70]
       -Includes a blogging module.
       -[1|Atua: a Gopher server|/atua|forthworks.com|70]
       -A gopher server written in Retro, a Forth dialect.
       -[1|Dyne.org File Download Zone|/|files.dyne.org|70]
       -Dyne.org software releases
       -[1|<< back|/lawn|server|port]
   DIR diff --git a/submit.dcgi b/submit.dcgi
       @@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ port="$4"
        domain=$(printf "%s" "${search}" | sed 's,gopher://,,; s,/.*,,')
        printf "\n"
       -printf "                       T H E   G O P H E R  L A W N\n"
       +printf "         ~~[[ T H E  G O P H E R  L A W N ]]\n"
        printf "\n"
       -printf "________________________________S_U_B_M_I_T_______________________________\n"
       +printf "_____[[ S_U_B_M_I_T ]]\n"
        if [ -z "${search}" ];
       @@ -36,3 +36,4 @@ fi
        printf "\n"
        printf "[1|Back to the lawn.|/lawn|server|port]\n"
   DIR diff --git a/twit/index.gph b/twit/index.gph
       @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
       -[1|twtxt gateway for gopher|/twtxt|shroom.party|70]
       -A gateway to see twtxt feeds on gopher.
       -[1|<< back|/lawn|server|port]
   DIR diff --git a/web/index.gph b/web/index.gph
       @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
       -A wikipedia proxy.
       -[7|Searx gopher interface|/searx.dcgi|me0w.net|70]
       -A gopher interface for the searx anonymous search.
       -A reddit gopher interface at gopherddit.com.
       -[1|Chaotic Media Gopher||gopher.raumzeitlabor.org|70]
       -A gopher interface to media.ccc.de.
       -[1|Project Gutenberg in Gopherspace||dante.pglaf.org|70]
       -Official Project Gutenberg gopherhole.
       -[1|Hacker News (ycombinator)||hngopher.com|70]
       -Hacker News gopher interface.
       -[1|Hacker News (sdk version)|/hn|codevoid.de|70]
       -Hacker News gopher interface.
       -An unofficial Lobsters mirror on gopher.
       -The gopher auction portal.
       -[1|<< back|/lawn|server|port]
   DIR diff --git a/wiki/index.gph b/wiki/index.gph
       @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
       -A wikipedia proxy.
       -[1|<< back|/lawn|server|port]