       Remove some dead entries. - gopher-lawn - The gopher lawn gopher directory project.
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/gopher-lawn/ git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/gopher-lawn/
   DIR Log
   DIR Files
   DIR Refs
   DIR Tags
   DIR commit 7c6d42e77a1fa2c15f98dcff9fce459f2c1a9b8d
   DIR parent cbd714df2642205b238eee90bd4f2f1b62eb6e9c
  HTML Author: Julian Schweinsberg <pazz0@0xfa.de>
       Date:   Sun, 28 Jan 2024 20:09:26 +0100
       Remove some dead entries.
       consoloconsola.ddns.net-_.link  No A record.
       commodore-bbs.telnet        No A record.
       l00t.de-_Phlog.link        Doesn't respond to gopher, http returns 404.
       openbsd-man.link        Doesn't respond to gopher, http return 403.
       gdead.berkeley.edu.link        Doesn't have an A record
       gopher.gluon.me-_.link        The domain gluon.me is for sale. (says the WWW)
       faroutscience.com-.link        Gopher returns an error page.
               Found no obvious way to contact them on https://faroutscience.com/
               Doesn't respond to gopher. No obvious way to contact them on http://grindhold.de/
       Old .onion addresses:
       * dek6dax7nbpb3sld.onion-_.link
       * goatsex6p2gn5rqx.onion-.link
       * ibpj4qv7mufde33w.onion-.link
       * par7qdjbxvve57ts.onion-.link
       Not reachable .onion addresses without obvious way to contact the authors:
       * j5c635m7dgyytg2l7ql7ulygoaidy2dly62onhd4cvbsbcxxt6xvmcid.onion-.link
       * q6i2digirifigwp3263ecgn7yisx6e7wyvqu4jx2m4ipznpan5stgyyd.onion-_.link
       Signed-off-by: Christoph Lohmann <20h@r-36.net>
         D db/commodore-bbs.telnet             |       9 ---------
         D db/consoloconsola.ddns.net-_.link   |       9 ---------
         D db/dek6dax7nbpb3sld.onion-_.link    |       9 ---------
         D db/faroutscience.com-.link          |       9 ---------
         D db/gdead.berkeley.edu.link          |       9 ---------
         D db/goatsex6p2gn5rqx.onion-.link     |       9 ---------
         D db/gopher.gluon.me-_.link           |       9 ---------
         D db/grindhold.de.link                |       9 ---------
         D db/ibpj4qv7mufde33w.onion-.link     |       9 ---------
         D db/j5c635m7dgyytg2l7ql7ulygoaidy2d… |       9 ---------
         D db/l00t.de-_Phlog.link              |       9 ---------
         D db/openbsd-man.link                 |       9 ---------
         D db/par7qdjbxvve57ts.onion-.link     |       9 ---------
         D db/q6i2digirifigwp3263ecgn7yisx6e7… |       9 ---------
       14 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 126 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/db/commodore-bbs.telnet b/db/commodore-bbs.telnet
       @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
       -Type: telnet
       -Selector: a
       -Host: particlebbs.dyndns.org
       -Port: 6400
       -LinkName: Commodore BBS
       -Description: Commodre BBS Community.
       -Category: bbs, commodore, telnet, community
       -Keywords: bbs, commodore, telnet, community
   DIR diff --git a/db/consoloconsola.ddns.net-_.link b/db/consoloconsola.ddns.net-_.link
       @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
       -Type: link
       -Selector: /
       -Host: consoloconsola.ddns.net
       -Port: 70
       -LinkName: Consolo Consola
       -Description: Consolo Consola's gopherhole, with documents and tutorials about unix and the Internet (in Spanish).
       -Category: homepage, spanish, doc, unix
       -Keywords: homepage, doc, tutorial, unix, spanish
   DIR diff --git a/db/dek6dax7nbpb3sld.onion-_.link b/db/dek6dax7nbpb3sld.onion-_.link
       @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
       -Type: link
       -Selector: /
       -Host: dek6dax7nbpb3sld.onion
       -Port: 70
       -LinkName: / T H E E N D /
       -Description: / T H E E N D /'s main gopher server
       -Category: homepage, onion
       -Keywords: homepage, onion
   DIR diff --git a/db/faroutscience.com-.link b/db/faroutscience.com-.link
       @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
       -Type: link
       -Host: faroutscience.com
       -Port: 70
       -LinkName: FarOutScience
       -Description: A learning site for beginners and life long learners. A retro computing sandbox in which to play and explore.
       -Category: learning, vintage
       -Keywords: learning, vintage
   DIR diff --git a/db/gdead.berkeley.edu.link b/db/gdead.berkeley.edu.link
       @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
       -Type: link
       -Selector: /
       -Host: gdead.berkeley.edu
       -Port: 70
       -LinkName: Greatful Dead Berkely
       -Description: Greatful Dead University of Berkely Gopherhole
       -Category: music
       -Keywords: music
   DIR diff --git a/db/goatsex6p2gn5rqx.onion-.link b/db/goatsex6p2gn5rqx.onion-.link
       @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
       -Type: link
       -Host: goatsex6p2gn5rqx.onion
       -Port: 70
       -LinkName: goat.se on gopher (onion)
       -Description: Goatsex on gopher. (NSFW)
       -Category: fun, porn, onion
       -Keywords: fun, porn, onion, gotse, nsfw
   DIR diff --git a/db/gopher.gluon.me-_.link b/db/gopher.gluon.me-_.link
       @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
       -Type: link
       -Selector: /
       -Host: gopher.gluon.me
       -Port: 70
       -LinkName: GLUON
       -Description: gluon's gopherhole, presenting personal stuff and his projects.
       -Category: homepage
       -Keywords: homepage
   DIR diff --git a/db/grindhold.de.link b/db/grindhold.de.link
       @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
       -Type: link
       -Selector: /
       -Host: grindhold.de
       -Port: 70
       -LinkName: grindhold's gopherhole
       -Description: grindhold's personal gopherhole.
       -Category: homepage, phlog
       -Keywords: homepage, phlog
   DIR diff --git a/db/ibpj4qv7mufde33w.onion-.link b/db/ibpj4qv7mufde33w.onion-.link
       @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
       -Type: link
       -Host: ibpj4qv7mufde33w.onion
       -Port: 70
       -LinkName: taz.de via onion
       -Description: taz.de news via onion.
       -Category: news, onion
       -Keywords: news, onion, taz, germany, berlin
   DIR diff --git a/db/j5c635m7dgyytg2l7ql7ulygoaidy2dly62onhd4cvbsbcxxt6xvmcid.onion-.link b/db/j5c635m7dgyytg2l7ql7ulygoaidy2dly62onhd4cvbsbcxxt6xvmcid.onion-.link
       @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
       -Type: link
       -Host: j5c635m7dgyytg2l7ql7ulygoaidy2dly62onhd4cvbsbcxxt6xvmcid.onion
       -Port: 70
       -LinkName: Saccophore
       -Description: Just another home for gopher junkies.
       -Category: homepage, onion
       -Keywords: homepage, onion
   DIR diff --git a/db/l00t.de-_Phlog.link b/db/l00t.de-_Phlog.link
       @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
       -Type: link
       -Selector: /Phlog
       -Host: l00t.de
       -Port: 70
       -LinkName: Dubst3pp4's phlog
       -Description: A phlog on computers and more.
       -Category: phlog, technology
       -Keywords: phlog, technology
   DIR diff --git a/db/openbsd-man.link b/db/openbsd-man.link
       @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
       -Type: link
       -Selector: /
       -Host: perso.pw
       -Port: 70
       -LinkName: OpenBSD manpages
       -Description: OpenBSD manpages via gopher.
       -Category: doc, manpage
       -Keywords: doc, openbsd, manpage
   DIR diff --git a/db/par7qdjbxvve57ts.onion-.link b/db/par7qdjbxvve57ts.onion-.link
       @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
       -Type: link
       -Host: par7qdjbxvve57ts.onion
       -Port: 70
       -LinkName: Pete's place
       -Description: Fortunes of Mao and 8ball plus a library of important texts.
       -Category: homepage, onion, game, archive, fortune
       -Keywords: homepage, onion, game, archive, 8ball, mao
   DIR diff --git a/db/q6i2digirifigwp3263ecgn7yisx6e7wyvqu4jx2m4ipznpan5stgyyd.onion-_.link b/db/q6i2digirifigwp3263ecgn7yisx6e7wyvqu4jx2m4ipznpan5stgyyd.onion-_.link
       @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
       -Type: link
       -Selector: /
       -Host: q6i2digirifigwp3263ecgn7yisx6e7wyvqu4jx2m4ipznpan5stgyyd.onion
       -Port: 70
       -LinkName: / T H E E N D / file library
       -Description: / T H E E N D /'s gopher file library
       -Category: homepage, archive
       -Keywords: homepage, archive