       Initial commit. - bitreich-conference - Bitreich Conference System
  HTML git clone git://bitreich.org/bitreich-conference git://enlrupgkhuxnvlhsf6lc3fziv5h2hhfrinws65d7roiv6bfj7d652fid.onion/bitreich-conference
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   DIR commit 4e45edcc18a5ec88c454ebbe6f695e36d382b325
  HTML Author: Christoph Lohmann <20h@r-36.net>
       Date:   Fri,  8 Apr 2022 18:42:39 +0200
       Initial commit.
         A README.md                           |     113 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A bin/bitreich-con-hold-presentation  |      33 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A bin/bitreich-con-start-conference   |      21 +++++++++++++++++++++
         A bin/bitreich-con-stop-conference    |      16 ++++++++++++++++
         A bin/bitreich-con-teaser-shell       |      45 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A bin/bitreich-con-view-presentation  |      39 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A bin/bitreich-con-visitor-count      |       4 ++++
       7 files changed, 271 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
       @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
       +# The Bitreich Conference System
       +## Overview
       +How do people perceive the conference content?
       +        ssh visitor@bitreich.org
       +On screen is shown what the presenter shows on the commandline. At the
       +bitreich conferences this is mostly some slides shown using catpoint(1).
       +        mpv gopher://bitreich.org/9/radio/listen
       +This is simple some audio stream of any kind, which is generated by the
       +presenter or the audio server. Here at bitreich we use icecast and some
       +simple frontend script for http2gopher.
       +Overall this will require at maximum 120 kb/s per visitor. You could
       +strip down audio quality even more. The ssh slides are bytes per second,
       +if any.
       +## Setup
       +You will need to adapt all scripts to your needs. It is simple. So do not
       +1. Create a presenter account.
       +2. Create a visitor account.
       +3. Install abduco.
       +5. Copy over the modified scripts from bin/ to your PATH.
       +        1. Modify in all scripts the prefix /br to your needs.
       +        2. Create the $PREFIX/con directory, where all communication is
       +           handled.
       +6. Run the scripts accordingly.
       +7. Setup audio via icecast etc.
       +## Visitor account.
       +For /etc/ssh/sshd_config:
       +        Match user visitor
       +                AllowAgentForwarding no
       +                AllowTcpForwarding no
       +                GatewayPorts no
       +                X11Forwarding no
       +                PermitTunnel no
       +                X11UseLocalhost no
       +                PermitTTY yes
       +                PasswordAuthentication yes
       +                PermitEmptyPasswords yes
       +                ForceCommand /path/to/bitreich-con-view-presentation
       +Depending on how secure you want access, disabling any authentication for
       +this account is possible.
       +## Start a Conference
       +        bitreich-con-start-conference
       +The socket for visitor and presenter attachment is created. The teaser
       +shell is run.
       +## Watch the Presentation
       +        bitreich-con-view-presentation
       +See visitor account preparation above.
       +## Hold a Presentation
       +Presenter logs into presenter account and runs:
       +        bitreich-con-hold-presentation
       +In the teaser shell the presenter presses Enter to get into the presenter
       +shell. There all possibilities of the presenter account on the
       +commandline is possible.
       +## bitreich-con-teaser-shell
       +Please see in this script, how ads are shown. You can download examples
       +        gopher://bitreich.org/1/con/2019/ads
       +It is all simple text, just cat(1)ed to the screen in an random order.
       +When a presenter pressed Enter in the teaser shell, the presentation mode
       +is started.
       +## Stop a Conference
       +        bitreich-con-stop-conference
       +This will remove all sockets and remains of the conference.
       +## bitreich-con-visitor-count
       +This is a simple shell to show you how, after you have set up the
       +conference system, visitors can be counted using standard shell commands.
       +## Comments
       +Send comments to:
       +        Christoph Lohmann <20h@r-36.net> or on #bitreich-en
       +        irc.bitreich.org
       +Have fun!
   DIR diff --git a/bin/bitreich-con-hold-presentation b/bin/bitreich-con-hold-presentation
       @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
       +if [ $# -lt 1 ];
       +        year="$(date +%Y)"
       +        year="$1"
       +# Handled in bitreich-con-start-conference for a common value.
       +#printf 'CONTERMCOL=%d\nCONTERMLIN=%d' "$(tput cols)" "$(tput lines)" \
       +#        > "/br/con/termres${year}"
       +<<\. cat
       +You will be connected to the conference holding terminal.
       +There just type Enter and you will get a bash prompt to hold your
       +It is advised to first resize your presentation terminal. The
       +viewers were advised to resize their terminal to 100x35. That
       +the space you have. So do not go beyond that.
       +Type in ^\ (control+'\') to detach from it.
       +To reconnect to it, simply run this script again.
       +Press any key to continue.
       +read keypressed
       +#env ABDUCO_SOCKET_DIR=/br/con/abduco abduco -A bitreichcon2017
       +abduco -A "/br/con/sock/bitreichcon${year}"
   DIR diff --git a/bin/bitreich-con-start-conference b/bin/bitreich-con-start-conference
       @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
       +if [ $# -lt 1 ];
       +        year="$(date +%Y)"
       +        year="$1"
       +# Set a good default.
       +printf "CONTERMCOL=%d\nCONTERMLIN=%d" "100" "35" \
       +        > "/br/con/termres${year}"
       +sudo -u presenter chmod g+w,g+r "/br/con/termres${year}"
       +#env ABDUCO_SOCKET_DIR=/br/con/abduco abduco -A bitreichcon${year}
       +sudo -u presenter abduco -n "/br/con/sock/bitreichcon${year}" /br/bin/bitreich-con-teaser-shell "${year}"
       +sudo -u presenter chmod g+w,g+r "/br/con/sock/bitreichcon${year}"
       +printf "The conference is now active and showing ads.\n"
       +printf "Now run bitreich-hold-presentation on your behalf.\n"
   DIR diff --git a/bin/bitreich-con-stop-conference b/bin/bitreich-con-stop-conference
       @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
       +if [ $# -lt 1 ];
       +        year="$(date +%Y)"
       +        year="$1"
       +rm -f /br/con/sock/bitreichcon${year}
       +rm -f /br/con/termres${year}
       +pkill -u presenter -f "bitreichcon${year}"
       +printf "All abduco sessions have been closed.\n"
       +printf "All was fun! :)\n"
   DIR diff --git a/bin/bitreich-con-teaser-shell b/bin/bitreich-con-teaser-shell
       @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
       +if [ $# -lt 1 ];
       +        year="$(date +%Y)"
       +        year="$1"
       +function shell() {
       +        cd "/home/presenter/con/${year}"
       +        bash
       +while /bin/true;
       +        clear
       +        adfile="${adpath}/$(ls -1 "${adpath}" | shuf -n 1)"
       +        i=0
       +        # Change the ad every 30 seconds.
       +        while [ $i -lt 20 ];
       +        do
       +                tput cup 0 0        
       +                tput civis
       +                cat "$adfile"
       +                # Redisplay every second, in case someone freshly attached.
       +                i=$(($i + 1))
       +                userinput=""
       +                read -t 1 userinput
       +                if [ $? -eq 0 ];
       +                then
       +                        # Be clear and clean.
       +                        clear
       +                        tput cvvis
       +                        shell
       +                        clear
       +                        tput civis
       +                fi
       +        done
   DIR diff --git a/bin/bitreich-con-view-presentation b/bin/bitreich-con-view-presentation
       @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
       +if [ $# -lt 1 ];
       +        year="$(date +%Y)"
       +        year="$1"
       +if [ ! -f "/br/con/termres${year}" ]
       +        printf 'The conference has not started yet. Please retry later.\n'
       +        exit 1
       +. "/br/con/termres${year}"
       +if [ "$(tput cols)" -lt "$CONTERMCOL" ] || [ "$(tput lines)" -lt "$CONTERMLIN" ]
       +        printf 'Input presentation terminal is %dx%d characters.\n' \
       +               "$CONTERMCOL" "$CONTERMLIN"
       +        printf 'You should adjust your terminal to it. Continue anyway? y/N: '
       +        read yesno
       +        if [ "$yesno" != 'y' ]
       +        then
       +                exit 1
       +        fi
       +printf '%s\n' 'You will be connected to the conference view-only terminal.' \
       +       'Type in ^'\\' (control+'\\') to detach from it.' \
       +       'Press any key to continue.'
       +abduco -r -l -a /br/con/sock/bitreichcon${year} || \
       +        printf '%s\n' 'Could not connect to the conference. ' \
       +               'Please contact 20h on #bitreich-con on freenode.'
   DIR diff --git a/bin/bitreich-con-visitor-count b/bin/bitreich-con-visitor-count
       @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
       +pgrep -u visitor abduco | wc -l