       Name                  Description                              Last commit
   DIR annna                 Annna the nice friendly bot.             2024-10-16 16:44
   DIR bitreich-conference   Bitreich Conference System               2023-08-12 17:53
   DIR bitreich-council      The repository to track the council ac…  2024-01-20 15:21
   DIR bitreich-documents    The repository to track the core bitre…  2024-08-18 16:44
   DIR bitreich-ed           ed(1) modified with bitreich ads         2024-02-01 18:56
   DIR bitreich-gaming-link  bitreich-gaming-link Simple game linki…  2024-03-23 18:44
   DIR bitreich-httpd        Bitreich HTTPD service                   2024-07-31 15:25
   DIR bitreich-memestats    Bitreich meme statistics and graphs.     2023-12-27 10:41
   DIR bitreich-style        Style guide for programmers.             2021-08-22 19:39
   DIR bitreich-tardis       Front-end for navigating bitreich meme…  2021-04-02 08:13
   DIR bitreich-tv           Meme TV encoding and streaming           2022-01-15 19:43
   DIR bitreich-www          the bitreich www website generator       2024-10-08 17:18
   DIR brcon2023-hackathons  Bitreichcon 2023 Hackathon Repository    2023-08-12 20:52
   DIR brcon2024-hackathons  Bitreichcon 2024 Hackathons              2024-08-24 18:00
   DIR catpoint              Catpoint simple presenting software.     2024-08-10 07:50
   DIR clic                  Clic is an command line interactive cl…  2020-06-03 09:41
   DIR cl-yag                Common Lisp Yet Another website Genera…  2023-02-18 13:10
   DIR crossword-generator   A crossword vtv generator.               2024-01-01 18:16
   DIR dedup                 deduplicating backup program             2019-05-23 23:57
   DIR deodorant             a tool to make things suck less          2023-07-30 12:49
   DIR dossier               console collection manager               2022-03-14 18:04
   DIR dotg                  Day Of The GrParazyd                     2024-08-14 17:20
   DIR dreadlock-ng          Remote locking daemon with a funny nam…  2023-07-14 17:07
   DIR drist                 a remote deployment tool                 2021-03-18 16:57
   DIR energy                measure energy usage                     2023-09-13 09:19
   DIR english_knight        A ninja replacement.                     2022-04-10 17:36
   DIR eomyidae              a gopher crawler software                2019-08-12 09:48
   DIR ff2txt                farbfeld image to plain text visualiza…  2018-06-12 21:02
   DIR fosdem-client         FOSDEM commandline client                2024-02-05 19:31
   DIR frsh                  french command language interpreter      2024-08-10 14:58
   DIR gemini2gopher-proxy   A gemini2gopher proxy CGI script for g…  2023-08-27 07:05
   DIR geomyidae             A small C-based gopherd.                 2024-08-14 14:25
   DIR geomyidae-tests       geomyidae tests                          2023-07-22 17:47
   DIR git-porno             Git Porno                                2023-10-18 18:21
   DIR git-theologist        Randomly select your git master.         2021-08-19 19:45
   DIR gopher-lawn           The gopher lawn gopher directory proje…  2024-10-11 14:16
   DIR gopher-protocol       Gopher Protocol Extension Project        2022-08-14 09:48
   DIR gopher-tutorials      The gopher tutorials project.            2021-03-12 22:17
   DIR gopher-validator      Simple gopher menu validator.            2022-02-19 13:26
   DIR gramscii              A simple editor for ASCII box-and-arro…  2021-09-27 11:36
   DIR ics2txt               convert icalendar .ics file to plain t…  2021-06-25 20:46
   DIR int2bit               Convert integer to funny way.            2021-05-13 20:42
   DIR iomenu                interactive terminal-based selection m…  2021-12-21 09:50
   DIR libgcgi               REST library for Gopher                  2022-08-04 19:18
   DIR notes                 a console notes manager using git        2019-07-01 17:43
   DIR ploot                 simple plotting tools                    2022-09-07 10:41
   DIR plstree               ps and ls displayed as a tree            2018-06-12 21:06
   DIR pointtools            Simple point utilities to hold text pr…  2024-08-10 08:29
   DIR potcasse              Podcast publication made easy            2021-07-20 22:07
   DIR privacy-haters        Tools and configs to help you against …  2021-10-09 18:41
   DIR radio-interview-2018  absmagazine interview about bitreich a…  2018-09-07 05:58
   DIR reed-alert            Lightweight agentless alerting system …  2023-06-28 08:55
   DIR rfcommd               RFCOMM daemon to run filters on client…  2022-03-27 16:42
   DIR sacc                  sacc(omys), simple console gopher clie…  2024-03-19 21:52
   DIR sfeed-tools           Sfeed helper scripts.                    2023-08-23 10:42
   DIR stagit-gopher         A git gopher frontend. (mirror)          2023-04-10 10:34
   DIR sup                   small tool for privilege escalation      2021-04-03 11:34
   DIR teed                  A multiplex relay tee(1) daemon.         2023-08-14 15:25
   DIR test                  A test repository.                       2018-12-31 15:30
   DIR tgtimes               The Gopher Times                         2024-03-27 10:09
   DIR thinglaunch           A simple command and password promtper…  2020-02-09 09:13
   DIR thingmenu             A simple graphical menu launcher for X…  2022-12-28 21:23
   DIR tttml                 converters for a simpler syntax than m…  2018-06-12 21:07
   DIR utf8expr              expr(1) for UTF-8                        2018-01-24 15:58
   DIR various               Various utilities developed at bitreic…  2024-09-24 17:26
   DIR vtv-tools             virtual terminal video tools             2024-10-15 22:09
   DIR web-allergy           Stop the web industry poisoning your I…  2024-07-31 15:28
   DIR xml2tsv               a simple xml-to-tsv converter, based o…  2021-12-08 22:24