             `._                  _. ._
                `.           ,-         -.    You are never stuck alone at home
                  `-._     ,            = =                               
                      `-. '     _  = = = = ='.        when you have       
                        ,     ,;;|= = = = = = . 
                        '   ,;;##| = = = = = = .            BITREICH IRC                 
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                       '    ||##;'------.  = = '"""--;;;;...__  irc.bitreich.org
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       __[ Bitreich IRC Song ]
       Join us now and share the packets;
       You'll be happy, humans, you'll be happy.
       Join us now and share the pleasure;
       You'll be happy, humans, you'll be happy.
       Corporations can get piles of data,
       That is true, humans, that is true,
       But they cannot help their users;
       That's not good, humans, that's not good.
       When we have enough independent services
       At our call, humans, at our call,
       We'll kick out those dirty molesters
       Ever more, humans, ever more.
       Join us now and share the packets;
       You'll be happy, humans, you'll be happy.
       Join us now and share the pleasure;
       You'll be happy, humans, you'll be happy.
  HTML (Like the free software song.)
       __[ How to connect ]
  HTML Regular TCP/IP
  HTML Onion/Tor
       The server is TLS only for securing users.
  TEXT irc.bitreich.org TLS fingerprint
       __[ Securing Users ]
       * There is no logging in the background.
       * Only TLS connections are allowed.
       * Tor direct access is allowed.
       * No registration required.
       * Only opers (bitreich sysadmins) control the system.
       * CTCP and other commands are filtered to preserve privacy.
       * Everyone gets the "friendly.entity" cloak. Your IP is not shown to any
         other user except for opers.
       __[ Policy ]
  TEXT Keep to the Hacker Manifesto and Human Rights.
  TEXT Our goal is conviviality:
       Interact creatively and autonomously, to enjoy the the social company of others.
       __[ New Channels ]
       All channels are hard configured and require manual intervention. This
       keeps monitoring the system to a minimum and saves time to the bitreich
       If you want to have some channel on the network, please ask on #bitreich-en for
       __[ Comic Chat ]
         | +-------------------------------------------+   |
         | |  __________                               |   |
         | | < Perfect. >                              |   |
         | |  ----------                               |   |
         | |       \                _                  |   |
         | |        \              (_)   <-- TeleBEARS |   |
         | |         \   ^__^       / \                |   |
         | |          \  (oo)\_____/_\ \               |   |
         | |             (__)\  you  ) /               |   |
         | |                 ||----w ((                |   |
         | |                 ||     ||>>               |   |
         | +-------------------------------------------+   |
  TEXT See us chatting.
       __[ Karma / Shame / Love ]
   DIR Current karma stats.
   DIR Current shame stats.
   DIR Current love stats.
       __[ Have Fun! ]
       Have fun!
   DIR << back to bitreich.org main hole