                          B I T R E I C H   F O R G E P E R F
       People are comparing themselves at forgeperf, who has the fastest
       development and source code versioning interface.
  HTML Forgeperf
       Of course we are fastest at bitreich.
       Test URI: gopher://bitreich.org/1/scm/geomyidae
       The measurement was done using time(1), printf(1) and nc(1).
       Software used: stagit-gopher
       Summary page:     0.081s
       Tree:             0.071s
       Log:              0.084s
       Commit:           0.062s
       Source File:      0.073s
       Blame:            Not Implemented
       Browsing Tickets: Not Needed
       Ticket Search:    Not Needed
       Ticket Details:   Not Needed
       Browsing Patches: 0.073s (If in repo.)
       Patch Discussion: 0.200s (Depending on the speed of your IRC client.)
       Patch Diff:       0.042s (On your commandline.)
       Score:            666 out of 100
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