Subj : Baja to JavaScript conversion guide To : Nightfox From : Digital Man Date : Thu Jul 16 2009 03:58 pm Re: Baja to JavaScript conversion guide By: Nightfox to All on Thu Jul 16 2009 03:47 pm > Hi - I was wondering, is there a guide for converting Baja code to > JavaScript somewhere that someone could point me to? I'm working on > converting my Baja command shell to JavaScript, and I've been able to > figure out some of the JavaScript equivalents to what I'm doing in my Baja > code, but it seems that a guide might make it easier. For instance, one of > the Baja functions is GETKEYE, which gets a key and also allows slash > commands, but I'm not sure what the equivalent would be in a JavaScript > module - The console object has inkey(), getkey(), getstr(), getnum(), > getkeys(), and gettemplate(), but I'm not certain if one of those can > perform the same functionality. It seems that gettemplate() might do it, > but the docs don't seem to specify the format of the template to pass to > that function. No, there is no guide (beside that of the combination of baja.html and jsobjs.html) and the example code in CVS (e.g. exec/classic_shell.js). Deuce wrote a getkeye() method in JS (exec/coldfuncs.js) which looks like it should be the functional equivalent of the Baja GETKEYE function. digital man Snapple "Real Fact" #81: Alaska has more caribou then people. --- þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ telnet:// .