Subj : Weather alerts to IRC room To : ansunent From : echicken Date : Thu Jan 26 2023 07:58 pm Re: Weather alerts to IRC room By: ansunent to Digital Man on Tue Jan 24 2023 00:31:30 an> That makes sense. I'll look into what I need to use in substitution for an> this "=>". You've got other problems beyond incompatible syntax. In the code that you posted, you were doing something like: http.get(url, res => { let data = ''; res.on('data', d => data += d); res.on('end', () => { // do stuff with data }); }); I suspect you took inspiration from a rather outdated node.js example. None of this will work here. In fact a vast amount of example JS code that you find online simply won't work here without significant alteration. You want something like: function getWeatherAlerts(channel) { var data = http.Get(weatherURL); var alerts = JSON.parse(data).features; if (alerts.length < 1) { client.say(channel, 'No severe weather alerts at this time.'); } else { alerts.forEach(function (alert) { client.say(channel,; }); } } --- echicken electronic chicken bbs - --- þ Synchronet þ electronic chicken bbs - .