Subj : Re: Am not! To : RuneMaster From : Time Warrior Date : Mon Feb 13 2006 04:32 am > > I think you should directly compete with me and start your own third party > Dev > > Project. God knows the scene could use the motivation -- and you are a very > > skilled programmer and developer yourself. > > Psst, TW, this is not alt.bbs.synchronet ... what the heck are you doing here > :P I knew someone was going to ask that. lol It's amazing. I don't ask people to do this for me, it just kinda happens. When people such as Jas are, for lack of a better term "talking shit" in message areas that I do not read or am unaware of -- I'll get instant messages from friends saying "Hey Dave, check this out, it's pretty amusing" .. which is exactly what happened in this instance. One of the two new recruits to the project (I really do need to update the entires on with that info lol) who I brought in, who is a Sysop friend of mine local to me in the Chicagoland Area -- messaged me about this thread having been amused by the fact that it is Jas who has "too much free time" in all actuality, to have nothing else better to do than yammer on and bitch about me. He figured I would find it just as amusing (and i most certianly DID :-) so he brought it to my attention. I would never have known this thread existed had it not been for him. If he wishes to take credit, he can feel free. He obviously reads this area. lol -- .---------------------------------------------------------------. | [TiME WaRRiOR] aka [Dave Kelso] AIM: Twar782 | +o Malkavia BBS | | www : - - | | www$: - | | @: time.warrior@malkaviabbs. com | \______________________________________________________________/ --- þ Synchronet þ SyncDev - .