Subj : Sprites and scrolling and BINs To : Kirkman From : MCMLXXIX Date : Fri Jan 09 2015 04:31 pm Re: Sprites and scrolling and BINs By: Kirkman to All on Fri Jan 09 2015 15:00:36 > I find that no matter how hard I try, the BBS simply will not display the BI > properly. On the latest sprite I've been working on, the problem seems to co > in the black characters. Not sure why. I posted some examples and some files > on the Synchronet Facebook page if you're interested in looking: > > > > I really want to get BINs to work because I want to use the sprite library. > But for now I've had to make do simulating that library and just using frame > with ANS data loaded. When you create the Frame() in which you are loading the BIN file, either use no attributes or set it to BG_BLACK. The problem is that if you give a frame default attributes, anywhere there is no data (no character or attribute for a particular sector) it will fill it in with the defaults, I'm assuming from your screenshots that the attributes for the frame youre using are set to DARKGRAY, which would cause that anomaly. Let me know if this helps. --- þ Synchronet þ The BRoKEN BuBBLE ( .