Subj : Re: Dynamic screen resizing To : Kirkman From : Nightfox Date : Thu Dec 04 2014 07:57 am Re: Re: Dynamic screen resizing By: Kirkman to Nightfox on Wed Dec 03 2014 22:31:12 Ki> If the hooks to make this work existed within SyncTerm and Synchronet, Ki> then it would be up to the sysop/app developer to handle it gracefully, Ki> much the same way that good web design should degrade gracefully for Ki> people using older browsers. Ki> You could have your app check for the end user's terminal capabilities. If Ki> they were using a SyncTerm that supported the resizing feature, then go Ki> ahead and serve an enlarged, enhanced experience. If not, stick to the Ki> standard 80x25. For that to work best, it would be best to have different versions of an ANSI - One oversized and another 80x25. Most ANSIs are drawn in only one size though. Perhaps the alternative would simply be not to show an oversized ANSI for someone with a terminal that's not large enough or can't be expanded. My main point, though, was that dynamic terminal resizing is currently not part of any BBS client standard (that I know of). Going with your web development analogy, adding something like that to Synchronet & SyncTerm would be akin to Microsoft making their own changes to Internet Explorer that nobody else supports. That isn't necessarily a good idea. Nightfox --- þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion BBS - .