Subj : FrantPage & Synchronet Web Server To : Mojo From : art Date : Thu Oct 17 2013 09:17 am Re: FrantPage & Synchronet Web Server By: Mojo to All on Thu Oct 10 2013 20:24:19 Ahoy Mojo, > What is the best thing to use to edit the web page files that come default > in Synchronet so that they will still work correctly after editing them. For Windows, I've used Notepad++, notepad.exe itself, and Visual Studio 2012. Most common text editors would work fine. Are you having some kind of issue otherwise? Kind regards, art@fatcatsbbsdotcom "Damn. Where are the callouses we doctors are supposed to grow over our feelings?" "Perhaps the good ones never get them." -- Beverly and Picard in ST:TNG "Code Of Honor" --- þ Synchronet þ fatcats bbs - .