Subj : Telgate To : Lab Rat From : Digital Man Date : Tue Sep 24 2013 02:45 am Re: Telgate By: Lab Rat to The Millionaire on Tue Sep 24 2013 03:36 am > Re: Telgate > By: The Millionaire to Lab Rat on Sun Sep 22 2013 14:53:43 > > > Yes Telgating is still possible in Synchronet. All you have to do is go > > to y r external programs and set up an area. > > I think you missed my point there. I know telgating is possible, but I want > to connect to another system by telnet (or RLogin, or any way possible) and > log in as a specific user, no matter who is connecting. I am looking for a > way to pass the user name and password to the remote system without the > user who is connecting to intercept the details or be able to log in as > anything else themselves. Then RLogin is your protocol of choice. digital man Synchronet "Real Fact" #81: Flapuebarg unf vagreany ebg13 fhccbeg sbe fhcresvpvnyyl rapelcgvat grkg. Weather station currently offline (out for repair) --- þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ telnet:// .