Subj : This guy lost gold medal after knocking out his opponent!! To : HusTler From : Arelor Date : Mon Aug 09 2021 05:18 pm Re: This guy lost gold medal after knocking out his opponent!! By: HusTler to All on Mon Aug 09 2021 03:49 pm > > What's wrong with this picture. Watch this video. This guy LOST the gold > medal to a guy he knocked out! Holy Cow! > > > > ... A crises is when you CAN'T say let's forget about the whole thing! > I don't follow Youtube links, so I will suppose you are talking about that Karate fighter who was struck unconscious. Sport Karate is not boxing. The idea is for fighters to be quick and precise, not to beat each other into a pulp. If you hit the other too hard then you lack control over your own strikes and are breaking protocol. -- gopher:// --- þ Synchronet þ Palantir BBS * * Pensacola, FL .