Subj : Re: NHL To : Gamgee From : Sbaitso Date : Sat Jun 27 2020 07:39 pm Re: Re: NHL By: Gamgee to Sbaitso on Sun Jun 21 2020 08:30 pm Ga> Yeah, that's a rabbit hole full of quicksand just waiting to Ga> happen. Probably even some lawsuits down in that hole. I just saw some news that Austin Matthews has been diagnosed with it. If that's the case I can't imagine that the Leafs are going to want to move forward. I agree that the potential for lawsuits is going to be really high depending on how things go. Ga> Haven't heard of that issue, but it doesn't surprise me. Business Ga> deals between pro sports teams and television are very serious Ga> business, and quite complicated. Another mess for sure. I only saw one mention of it and that was a tweet sent out from a reporter who covers the NHL. I need to do some research and see what else I can find out about it. I seem to think it said that teams with a Fox Sports contract would receive no revenue next year if the season ends this year as is. If that's the case it could be a real disaster for a lot of teams. Ga> If you're looking for more hockey news via BBS, I provide a feed Ga> to the FidoNet NHL Hockey echo, with about 8 decent stories per Ga> day that you could check out. I follow that echo on another BBS. Thank you so much for getting that up and running again! I remember reading all of them when the prior maintainer was posting them and then they had to stop. I was so happy to see the posts return and was just reading them a few minutes ago. --- þ Synchronet þ BayouBBS.Net, Ports 23, 6401 and 6402 .