Subj : Linux for P4 To : ROB MCCART From : Al Date : Fri Nov 16 2018 03:53 am Re: Linux for P4 By: ROB MCCART to ALL on Wed Nov 14 2018 02:18 am RM> I'm wondering if there is a very light Linux version that will still RM> run on an old P4 machine. (Intel 2.66 Ghz with 512 meg Ram). RM> I've heard that most newer Linux versions won't work due to problems RM> caused by the CPUID checking run (?) I run Slackware, a fairly simple OS. I'm sure it'll run on your 2.66 Ghz Intel. Nothing wrong with that CPU type and speed. The RAM is a little low but I'm sure you can still run an X desktop in that although it may be a little slow from swapping. I'm running in a terminal right now, no X session running.. just the BBS and my terminal and htop says I have used just over 200 Megs of ram. There are text based browsers you can run in linux as well like lynx and links on the terminal (no x needed) but they may not work in all cases.. Ttyl :-), Al .... What bug? That's a feature. --- þ Synchronet þ The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada .