Subj : Fountain Pens & Notebooks To : OGG From : JIMMY ANDERSON Date : Thu Mar 25 2021 08:52 am -=> OGG wrote to ATROXI <=- OG> What are you journaling? I was raised to write a kind of diary OG> for myself or write letters to family and friends. It was OG> always fun to get something back in the mail address to me: ESQ. I had three pen pals when I was younger... One was in Australia. That's one of the things about ordering stuff online too - getting packages in the 'mail.' :-) Remember sending film off to be developed? It was cool when you FINALLY got the prints in the mail. :-) .... Does fuzzy logic tickle? --- MultiMail/Mac v0.52 þ wcQWK 8.0 ÷ Omicron Theta * Memphis, TN * .