Subj : Model Painting To : JAMESTYREE From : MIKE POWELL Date : Thu Sep 26 2019 06:25 pm >I know you're only as goood as the tools you use, but is it worth it to spend >more for the better quality air brush equipment or can you expect good results >with a modetly priced equipment as well? I went with a mid-range Badger and, like I said, it was great when the weather was warm and very dry. User error is also possible in my case, although I did not feel like I was doing anything different when I had success vs. when I did not. --- * SLMR 2.1a * No viruses detected. Must be a pair of Nanites. --- . BgNet 1.0.12 . moe's tavern * 1-502-875-8938 * .