Subj : Kamala Harris To : Neofree From : KnightMare Date : Tue Aug 27 2024 08:55 am Re: Kamala Harris By: Neofree to All on Sat Aug 24 2024 01:35 am Ne> Kamala Harris is now the DNC nominee. After getting ZERO votes and working with others in a coup, that has successfully pushed out the Resident of the United States, plus the fact she knew he was mentally NOT FIT yp hold office and never came out the said it. Ne> I support her, because I don't support Trump. Weak excuse ever. Let's see: 1. She's done NOTHING to close the border, let alone GO THERE. 2. She's planning on doing something when elected, which she CAN DO NOW as Vice Resident. Why wait will November? She's #2 in command! WHY IS SHE WAITING?! 3. Thirty four days ago she pretty much said she was running. No press, no interviews, no call to action, no words on what her policies are... NOTHING. All she does is talk Trump... 4. Word salad. 5. J.D. Vance and her were on the same tarmac as her and just wanted to talk for a mere few seconds and SHE RAN. Like literally ran from Vance. 6. She lies about everything. 7. She turned down 3 debates with Trump. Plus now we get word that she wants to have a cheat sheet when she does debate. A debate is off-the-cuff, not to have a crib notes! 8. When she's nervous or lies, her 'tell' is that cackle of hers. She always giver herself away. Every single time. Ne> I'm sorry for offending anyone by being Pro-Kamala. You're not offending me, I'm just sad for your decision. You do you, Boo. Would i still be a friend, and have you over for a couple of beers? Sure. I'm a Republican. We have tolerance, but not when comes to snkes and people that put America other then in first priority. Ne> At this point, I think that the United States Constitution is best Ne> protected by Kamala winning the White House this year. Ne> I may be wrong. You're dead wrong. As CA DA, she wiped her ass with it. You need to open your eyes man, unless you want to stay in this current mess and pay $10 for a dozen eggs. I sure as hell don't want to. --- þ Synchronet þ Telegraph BBS - Fayette Co, OH USA .