Subj : Re: Kamala To : PAULIE420 From : Dumas Walker Date : Sat Aug 10 2024 11:08 am > @MSGID: <> > DW> Indeed. I am pro-choice also and that is what both sides wanted in the > DW> past. It does put it in the people's hands, which I like, but I am > DW> concerned that some states are so strict now that you might have to > DW> carry a baby to term even if your life is in danger. > Right - ok, I'll bite... > But my friends who lean more to the right... they're the ones who live in > Texas, LA, OH - the places were the PEOPLE have voted abortion rights DOWN.... > And my friends who care about choice live in places that DIDN'T do that; so, > while *I* am pro-choice, I don't see all this jumping up and down about womens > rights - the women that I know that want pro-choice....... have it. Today. > And states that are more buckled down, don't - I get it.. not perfect, but > neither was Roe vs Wade. It goes along with the example I gave. Our Republican Governor candidate, who lost, and his supporters wanted to be able to track the out of state travel habits of women of child bearing years to discourage travel to a neighboring state (likely Illinois) to receive care. IMHO, that is invasion of privacy and would have affected anyone who traveled with a women who met their criteria. It might not be any more, but my state was also one of the ones that went so strict that "life is in danger" was not an option. I *think* they didn't mean to do that and I *think* they fixed it. Alabama, another very strict state, went crazy with their law and accidentally made IVF illegal. It isn't perfect and, based on the Constitution, I think it is correct to let the states handle it. I just wish that some of them would have taken a moment to think about their actions before just doing it. > DW> Overall, I agree. I believe both groups of people did bad things and > DW> those people who did bad things need to get in trouble. However, the > DW> government (and press) on the whole seems to only believe that to be > DW> true for the Jan 6 group, which is very wrong. > But only one group was charged, convicted and is SERVING long sentances. > The other faction is just.... not. Correct, which is what I said... the government and press only believe the Jan 6 group did something wrong, and I disagree with them as you do. > And that is $$$$ take it to the bank black and white - its gross.... but one > side won't admit to that. > They burned down fecking CITIES - and a couple lawyers got light sentances.... > and 100s got away; but 1/05 folks are serving ALL the time. > Its not hard to see.... They have been blantantly obvious about it... Summer of Love protesters were "peaceful" and were good, while 1/6 protesters were violent, homocidal insurrectionists and were EVIL. IMHO, anyone doing bad things at either time need to be in the same type of trouble but our government has failed to dole out equal punishment. One thing to bear in mind, too, is that during the 2020 protest season Harris encouraged people to donate to the Minnesota Freedom Fund. MFF is a fund that pays criminal bail bonds and that paid bail in order to free those incarcerated during the 2020 protests. For anyone who wants a reference to that, here it is: The part I mention is the part that is true. Snopes also notes that MFF pays bail bonds for persons who violate immigration laws. * SLMR 2.1a * Press any key to continue or any other key to quit --- þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP .