Subj : Re: Kamala To : Dumas Walker From : paulie420 Date : Thu Aug 08 2024 09:56 pm DW> > Policy, policy, policy. While theres plenty that I disagree with from Tr DW> > just a few for example; DW> DW> > womens healthcare rights DW> DW> Same here, sort of. DYN that, right before he got shot, he successfully DW> requested that the Republican party remove any "national abortion ban" DW> language from the official party platform? Isn't it insane how the media has tried to quiet that assassination??? I mean - that is HUGE IMO... As if it WEREN'T what it was... DW> Yes, turning the choice over to the states has certainly lead to all out DW> (and sometimes downright illogical) bans, and a lot of Republican DW> politicians are responsible/behind it, and I disagree with them on it. I do too - however, a decade ago it was exactly what BOTH sides wanted. On abortion, I'm pro-choice - PERIOD... but how bad IS the states taking over?? I think it puts the vote in PEOPLES hands - I don't agree with it, but I refuse to lie and make it the topic that the left wants to... PA> I just can't get behind another Biden/Harris presidency DW> DW> Nor can I. Only thing I can make a reach to point out is that the ne'er DW> do wells that were setting fires, looting, etc., during the Summer of DW> 2020 mostly stopped doing so after the election, but I firmly believe DW> that is mostly because Democrat mayors and local politicians (like the DW> ones in Portland) finally started enforcing the law at that point. The summer of love was 100% 10X worse than Jan 6 - the fact that the left won't admit that, nor has there been ANY consequences for it... IS racism IMO. Bunch of BS that we'll all look back in on 50 years and be able to state. PS - I was on ground zero in Portland for that... it was pretty scary - I got out just 3 mins before the coppers shut it down; thank gosh for my Army buddy who needed to leave b/c of PTSD. DW> I don't understand where people get any numbers that suggest otherwise, DW> but they do. "There are lies, damn lies, and statistics" so I guess DW> that is how they get them. Rent is $2000; food is up 40%; gas is freaking insane; insurances are up 25+%; I have less $$$; I've never worried this much in my life; a soda costs $4 in Seattle; people who go viral make $100M in a year; press record, in 2024 its almost the only way... Trump 2024; more and more everyday. |07p|15AULIE|1142|07o |08......... .