Subj : Re: oh man joe biden To : Dumas Walker From : paulie420 Date : Tue Jul 02 2024 07:14 pm DW> Problem is that a good politician can frame a lot of what they do as DW> "under their presidential position"... "the dirt that Julian Assange was DW> going to leak (on me) was a 'threat to our democracy' so we had to drone DW> him today." You know; I was thinking 'they got it right' in the context of TODAY. Of what the left is trying to do to Trump and how I feel about that... the more I think about it, tho, is that in 20-40 years it will be used on the other side [or any side] in ways that I'm NOT thinking about right now; in a negative way.... DW> Or "The election was being stolen from me (which, in the nearly 4 years DW> since, I have still not proven) so I had to have a rally in DC on the DW> day of the electoral college verification (even though no other outgoing DW> President has ever done this), and it is not my fault the rally (that I DW> should have know better NOT to have) got out of hand and they stormed DW> the Capitol." Its not that the election was stolen - thats just stupid talk. But it was BS that they mass-mailin'ed every person in America. (Or, whatever it was...) It changed how we do things; you go vote at your local school or church. In person - and we know the results within a few hours... I would have more respect for some new 'online' thing that we all AGREED on; where you VERIFY your ID and vote from a secure device.... but the mailin stuff was BS IMO. What's so CRAZY about (lol) identification to freaking vote - its NEEDED, jesus h christ! :P |07p|15AULIE|1142|07o |08......... .