                            AuraGem Music: Public Radio                      
       This is AuraGem Music's public radio that plays public domain and
       royalty free music. All music is collected from sources like the Free
       Music Archive, archive.org, and Chosic, and stored on my server. This
       radio does not proxy from the web, unlike other radios over on
       Radio Stations
   DIR Diverse Station
   DIR Mainstream Station
   DIR Classical Station
   DIR Non-mainstream Station
   DIR Old-Time-Radio Station
   DIR Piano Station
   DIR Religious Station
       Total Clients Currently Connected: 0
       Other Gemini Radios
  HTML epoch's Radio (Icecast)
  HTML Still Stream Internet Radio
  HTML Hashnix.Club Radio (with Icecast Support)
       Client Support
       Some spec-compliant clients that support playing mp3 files should be
       able to stream, particularly Lagrange on Desktop. Clients that can
       pipe into another program will also work. This includes diohsc, which
       can pipe the data into mpv or vlc.
       Currently, Rosy Crow does not seem to support streaming mp3 files.
       Additionally, Lagrange has several bugs that prevent it from streaming
       or playing audio on Android and iOS. There is an issue open for this
       on Github and Bubble, and it seems to apply to all audio playback
       within the app from all protocols that lagrange supports:
  HTML Lagrange Github: spartan mp3 links won't play on android
  HTML [#14] Lagrange android doesn't play any sound files
       Finally, Lagrange via the AppImage also seems to be bugged for some
       users and does not stream audio files. You can try to build lagrange
       yourself instead.
       Supported Clients: diohsc (pipe into vlc or mpv), Lagrange on Desktop
       (Windows, macOS, Flatpak, & self-built w/ mpg123)
       Unsuported Clients: GemiNaut, Lagrange on iOS & Android, Kristall,
       Rosy Crow
       Buggy Clients: Lagrange AppImage
       Client Problems
       If your client starts playing but then times out, then you can look
       in settings to disable this timeout, or request that the developer
       change the implementation so that timeouts only apply when no data has
       been received for a given period of time.
       Some clients, like GemiNaut, will timeout if the connection hasn't
       been closed by the server within a given time (aka. if the file hasn't
       downloaded within a given time). This assumes that all files take a
       specific period of time to download, which is a faulty assumption,
       especially for users with very slow connections that can't even
       download a text file within that given time. This is a naive
       implementation that developers should fix by only timing out based on
       the period of time that the client has not been given any data. This
       allows both very slow connections and the downloading of binary and
       large text files to work.
       If your client tries to download infinitely without playing, that
       means the client is waiting for the connection to close before
       displaying/playing the file. You can try to look in settings for a
       streaming option, or request that the developer change this so that
       data is displayed/played as it comes in. This change is compliant with
       the spec, as per Section 1.1:
       > Note that clients are not obligated to wait until the server closes
       > the connection to begin handling the response. This is shown above
       > only for simplicity/clarity, to emphasise that responsibility for
       > closing the connection under typical conditions lies with the server
       > and that the connection should be closed immediately after the
       > completion of the response body.
  HTML Gemini Specification
       In fact, this addition to the spec was made specifically to allow for
  HTML 2020-06-16 A vision for Gemini applications (Solderpunk)
       If your client doesn't start playing the music and also times out,
       then both problems above apply to this client.
       Gemini-Supported Media Player Project
       I am also announcing that I will be working on a Media Player that
       uses VLC (libvlc) as the backend and which will support gemini urls
       and streams. I have not started the project yet, but I intend to very
       soon. I hope to make it cross-platform on the desktop, but I plan to
       support Linux first since it does not seem to have a graphical browser
       that supports audio streams atm (since Lagrange seems to be buggy with
       this). It would be nice to also get mobile apps, that that requires
       much more work and I have to pay to get the app in official appstores,
       so I won't be able to do any of that for a while, unless Skyjake fixes
       lagrange's audio streaming on mobile.