# 2024-03-09 But Wait, AuraGem is Still Up? Recently I expressed my intentions of leaving Geminispace when I announced that AuraGem was now opensource: => /0/g/devlog/20240307.gmi 2024-03-07 Why Is AuraGem Now Open Source? > I have decided to release this capsule as open source because I'm leaving Gemini. This is my parting "gift" to the Gemini community. I do not have the time, money, or temperament to develop anything further for the community or to continue to interact within the community. Just the day before, I had also expressed the desire to expand the AuraGem Search Engine: => /0/g/devlog/20240305.gmi 2024-03-06 Prepping AuraGem Search for Major Updates And the day before that I expressed the "Freedom of Protocols" initiative: => /0/g/devlog/20240306.gmi 2024-03-05 AuraGem's Freedom of Protocols Initiative So let me clarify what my plans are: 1. I intend to finish out the Search Engine updates for crawling other protocols. This will be my last development project for Geminispace. 2. AuraGem will continue running, but there are no guarantees that it will always be running. 3. Some might have noticed that AuraGem Ask disappeared when I announced the switchover to a new server implementation. I had intended to make an update to how people post, but I no longer have this update planned. AuraGem Ask will be brought back exactly as it had been implemented prior to the server update. 4. Leaving Geminispace does not mean I am leaving the possibility of other protocols. What I want to emphasize is that I am largely leaving development projects and interaction within the community. I have expressed my thoughts on the community in my previous post, so I won't reiterate them here. 5. My goals have always been to expand information within Geminispace. I stated these goals when I talked about information on Gemini back in 2022: => /0/g/devlog/20220706_information.gmi 2022-07-06 Information on Gemini Instead, I got caught up in putting all of my effort and time into software projects over my writing and information, much of which goes underappreciated within Geminispace. The attitude for much of Geminispace is not about what is truthful, but what is contrarian, and I can never get on board with that. Parts of Gopherspace and Geminispace have turned into Gnostic intelligence cults, where egoes are inflated to such an extent that everyone else outside of this group, particularly outside of Geminispace, is considered stupid, unintelligent, or lacking the special gift of truth and knowledge; or they are considered mindless, apathetic, or manipulative even. Unfortunately I have seen the above attitudes many times in many technology projects. There is clearly something about small spaces on the internet that drive people toward this superiority mindset. It was apparent in ZeroNet, it was apparent in Gopherspace, it is apparent in technology Discord servers, it's apparent in IRC servers, and it's apparent here in Geminispace. When you call yourself a "free thinker", you are engaging in your own inflated ego. When you talk about everyone else being in cults, acting like "sheep", or engaging in herd mentality, you are engaging in your own inflated ego. To put it simply, you are a hyppocrite. Anti-authority also runs in many of these spaces; to put it simply, it is childish. It runs counter to meritocracy, which is a society that is reliant on skill and knowledge. The very people claiming to have some special "free thinking" knowledge are the very people who ignore the knowledge of others, who ignore meritocracy, who ignore authority within specialization fields. Spaces like these on the internet are called the "Intellectual Dark Web". They spread pseudo-knowledge and play the victims because people don't listen to their idiocy. When you are someone who instantly reacts to arguments that try to use facts with "Why are you trying to compete with facts?" - that is when you've lost the plot. Using facts is not a competition, but I expect everyone to want to be truthful and logical. Because if we are not here to do that, then what's the freaking point? I am not here to tell everyone what they want to hear or to assuage their egoes telling them they are right when they got something clearly wrong. People don't like it when I tell them off for lying about what companies are doing or what Microsoft is actually doing? Deal with it. You do not get to lie about things you dont like, and you don't get to justify your lies by saying "well they are not open source" or "well they were extremely hostile to Linux in the early 2000s". It's inexcusable. So, my focus will turn to writing. It will expose the thoughts of mainstream LGBTQ+ Theology and other Theologies - Jewish, Christian, Islamic, and others. It will be unrelentlessly about facts and logic, biblical interpretation, literary analysis, balance, and real history. It will unrelentlessly counter attempts to rewrite history by religious fundamentalists *and Atheists*. The only form of radicalism I will accept as valid is radical love and radical amazement. So with this I officially introduce Scholastic Diversity, which will be available on Gemini and the other protocols: => gemini://scholasticdiversity.us.to/ Scholastic Diversity (Gemini) => https://scholasticdiversity.github.io/ HTTPS Page Thanks for reading, Christian Lee Seibold