# 2024-03-07 Why Is AuraGem Now Open Source? Note: Leetaur wrote a response to this post that incorrectly claims I am "quitting Gemini, due to its liberal bias." I have responded to them here: => /0/g/devlog/20240325_2.gmi 2024-03-25 How Misinformation Spreads Yep, I've released AuraGem's capsule as open source now. I've been meaning to do this for a while. It includes the code for AuraGem Search, Music, the Live Chat, Textola, the Public Radio, and some other things. You can see the code here: => https://gitlab.com/clseibold/auragem_sis => https://gitlab.com/clseibold/auragem_crawler => https://gitlab.com/clseibold/smallnetinformationservices => https://gitlab.com/clseibold/misfin-server I have decided to release this capsule as open source because I'm leaving Gemini. This is my parting "gift" to the Gemini community. I do not have the time, money, or temperament to develop anything further for the community or to continue to interact within the community. Where will I go? Instead, for all of what I will need from the internet, I will be going to that disgusting place that makes me a lesser person in some of your eyes, that place called the Web. The Web is inferior, it is full of advertisements, it is slow as hell, but at least it has what I need, unlike Gemini, which still lacks a lot of information. I can put my focus into studying real things now, reading all the books I want to read, writing all the real things that I want to write, and working towards improving society through study and writing. This has been coming for a while, ever since dangerous ideologies became more apparent in popular capsules: => /0/g/devlog/20240111.gmi 2024-01-11 Bubble's New Badges of Shame And I wish this were the first time I've come across these things within Geminispace (and Gopherspace): => /0/g/devlog/20231204.gmi 2023-12-04 Part I: Linux, Our Savior and Redeemer => /0/g/~clseibold/20230925_emails.gmi My Own Emails I Can't Send A word of warning to Geminispace: Contrarianism will not get you anywhere. It will not convince people of your positions, and it will not improve the world. You are focusing on your selfish thoughts, where you think what matters is what is against the mainstream, but that is not what matters. What matters is what is right, not what is contrarian. What improves the world will never be found in pretentiousness and self-importance. What improves the world is giving resources to people to learn and expand. What improves the world is to learn and expand yourself. To get up and DO something instead of just writing about it. To read what you need to read, not because you want to but because you are compelled to. To explore and to listen - to history, to people's experiences, and to contemporary issues. Your ideas will never work in a vacuum of endless theories. You must DO. Dorothy Day didn't just write. She put her words into action by creating community homes. A word of caution: Fringe and small spaces on the internet can quickly get caught up in conspiracy theories. I would know, I've been in many of them. You may think that your small space is less prone than the wide internet, but that is simply not true. Conspiracy Theories are remedied by social connection, by being in a society with structure, by having friends to talk to and to set you straight and to counter you. Not by being in small communities of random people on the internet, but by being in a real embodied community in physical space - THAT is where you find your purpose, your sanity, your love and acceptance. People in geminispace would do well to be less anti-social. A word of urgency: Exclusivist mentality was common in Gopherspace, and it's still common in Geminispace, although perhaps slightly less so. The Badges of Shame are inexcusable. The centralization of aggregators is worrying, especially when censorship becomes involved: => gemini://gem.librehacker.com/gemlog/starlog/20240103-0.gmi Not because people don't have a right to control what gets on their feeds, but because there are not enough feeds to begin with, so a small group of people have greater control over people's access. Search Engines like Kennedy, TLGS, and AuraGem Search (formerly Ponix Search) solved this, but some of these people opposed search engines. The exclusivist mindset of the community is a clear outgrowth of the culture that was set from the first peoples that moved from Gopherspace over to Geminispace. The common sentiment was that difficulty in writing and uploading documents to Gopherspace/Geminispace is a bonus because it excludes non-techy people - implying that non-techy people can't provide valuable information. This mindset is the worst of them all. P.S. To Christopher Howard, Palestinians and Hamas are not the same thing, and there are in fact Palestinian Jews. While Israel should not be expected to allow Israeli hostages to be killed or to allow their own people to be killed, they also should be trying their hardest to not be killing innocent Palestinians. Antisemitism is awful, and I am particularly worried about it rising again, on the Internet, in the US, and elsewhere, but Islamophobia is just as awful and is also sinful. You cannot justify one to uplift the other. Jews and Muslims and Christians, and everyone else, are ALL people of God, as explained in the Book of Jonah which is read every year on Yom Kippur. Isaiah's depiction of the Judgement Day is a sad day, not a glorious and happy one! Don't be like Jonah, don't root for the destruction of your enemies. Lastly, here is a backup of AuraGem Search's Firebird database (400 MB): => search.fbk