A Grotesque Lie from the United States Department of Defense Whitley Strieber [https://www.unknowncountry.com/whitleys-journal/a-grotesque-lie-from-the-united-states-department-of-defense/] With the publication of its latest All Domain Anomalies Resolution Office (AARO) report [https://www.aaro.mil/], the United States Department of Defense has engaged in a lie that is even more grotesque than it appears. Millions of people around the world are under many different kinds of pressure from an extremely strange and aggressive presence that appears to be connected with the unidentified flying objects that AARO has once again lied about. I am one of those people, and let me summarize my story very simply and concretely: On December 26, 1985 I was kidnapped out of my home in the dead of the night and subjected to rape with an electrostimulator that induced an ejaculation. The ejaculate was harvested. I received a rectal injury from this attack that left me in pain for the next twenty years. I was also, I believe at least in part by the application of methodical and sinister social engineering masterminded within the U.S. intelligence community, made into an international laughingstock. The phrase “rectal probe” was singled out in my book Communion and made into a comedy meme. My rape was turned into a joke. The result was that people stopped buying my books and I was humiliated beyond belief. My was life almost completely ruined. I had a strong support in my wife Anne Strieber, and we fought back together. She has passed on but I am still here and still fighting, and I will also continue until the day I die. The greater issue is this: why have eggs and semen been extracted from so many people, and why aren’t we being defended, or at least warned? Let’s be clear: the Defense Department of the United States has declared itself: it is not defending the American people from this presence. Instead, with it’s lies, it is defending the presence. So our Department of Defense, which we pay for, does not answer to us. It answers to these rapists. What’s more, all fourteen presidential administrations that have had executive power since this began to happen have agreed on one thing: this was a secret that had to be kept. Thus, not a single administration has ever been loyal to the country or to the people when it comes to this. The three most recent administrations, Obama, Trump and Biden are no exceptions. It should not be forgotten that Obama presidential adviser John Podesta said after leaving office that his greatest regret was that he had not been able to get the president to release the UFO material. Thousands of people who work on the secret side of the government will know that the report is a lie. If anything fulfills the definition of treason, it is this report. So they must face the fact that they do not work for the people. They work for the rapists of the people. There’s no getting around it: to be one of the keepers of the secrets is to be a traitor not just to this country, but to mankind and, above all, to their own integrity and their souls, and the human future. I would like to turn now to a quote from a posthumous affidavit that was released by the family of Roswell base press officer Walter Haut after his death. I met Walter Haut, and know him to have been an upstanding and honest man. I would, at this point, be willing to trade the whole Pentagon for one Walter Haut. (Of course, there are controversies about this affidavit, but they seem concentrated in places like Wikipedia, where anyone with skin in the game can make whatever changes they please, and if you look at the UFO material on that site, it is clear that it’s editors are strongly biased in favor of the views of organizations like the DoD.) After going into detail about the fact that strange debris was recovered and naming the officers involved at Roswell in the initial examination of the debris, he makes a number of statements. The AARO document specifically says that there are no spacecraft in the hands of the US Government, and no other-worldly materials. Walter Haut’s affidavit [https://www.unknowncountry.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/11-Sealed-Affidavit-Of-Walter-G.-Haut.pdf] states that, at the July 8, 1947 staff meeting of the base officer “the main topic of discussion was reported by (Maj. Jesse) Marcel and (CIC Capt Sheridan) Cavitt regarding an extensive debris field in Lincoln Count approx. 75 miles NW of Roswell…Samples of wreckage were passed around the table. It was unlike any material that I had or have ever seen in my life. Pieces, which resembled metal foil, paper thin yet extremely strong, and pieces with unusual markings along their length were handed from man to man.” The AARO report also comments that some bismuth-magnesium materials now under study show no evidence of being of off-world origin. What it does not say is that the study of these materials is under the control of the U.S. Army. From now on, any statement from any part of the U.S. Defense Department or its satellite defense industry about this or anything else related to the overall phenomenon must be assumed to be a lie. Perhaps material in private hands will eventually come under honest and truthful study. This is hard now, though, because the reach of DoD is very broad, and it will definitely put any pressure it can on any laboratory found to be engaged in such research. The report states that no intact craft of unknown origin are in the possession of the United States. This is from the Haut affidavit: “Col. Blanchard to me personally to Building 84, a B-29 hangar located on the east side of the tarmac. Upon first approaching the building, I observed that it was under heavy guard both inside and outside. Once inside, I was permitted from a safe distance to first observe the object just recovered north of town. It was approx. 12 to 15 feet in length, not quite as wide, about 6 feet high, and more of an egg shape. Lighting was poor, but its surface did appear metallic. No windows, portholes, wings, tail section, or landing gear were visible.” Who’s lying, then? An honest American who left his affidavit to be opened after his death because he had sworn to secrecy during his lifetime, or an organization so vastly corrupt that it can’t even provide congress with a proper audit of its own budget? I choose the honest American. The report claims that the United States is not in possession of any biological material. Walter Haut states this in his affidavit: “I was able to see a couple of bodies under a canvas tarpaulin. Only the heads extended beyond the covering, and I was not able to make out any features. The heads did appear larger than normal and the contour of the canvas over the bodies suggested the size of a 10-year old child. At a later date in Blanchard’s office, he would extend his arm about 4 feet above the floor to indicate the height.” Congress has tried to force truth out of the DoD. Some congresspeople have tried hard and are to be commended for it. But it’s equally up to whatever administration is in power to address the issue, and so far none of them have done this. In the end, though, I think that it is as much up to the individuals who hold the secrets to examine their consciouses and decide who they work for: the presence that is here slowly wrapping its coils around us, or the people? Lue Elizondo has said that, if people knew the secret, their reaction would be “somber.” I am pretty sure that this is true. It is time for anyone who actually possess this secret to put it on the public table. Having been abducted and gone through hell during and after (and much more than I said above), I know that at least part of this secret is that this presence removes human sexual material and our supposed defenders can do nothing to prevent this. Instead, to protect themselves from us they hide it, and thus become the defenders of our oppressors. This is the truth: the United States Department of Defense is protecting a bizarre community of rapists, defaming their victims, and leaving the rest of the population in helpless ignorance. We make a great show of protecting the unborn in our country. But what about my unborn? Nobody protects the unborn of the close encounter witnesses who have lost sperm and eggs. It’s true that the abductions have abated, but where are the children? Are there children? Many of us believe there are, and some of us, me included, have seen ours. But what happens to them? What is their life right now? Do they know love and dignity and decency? And what of our children’s souls? I know people in high places don’t care about souls, or only about their own. But if you don’t care about all souls, you don’t care about any soul, including your own. And souls can be lost. Think about it, please, those of you keeping these secrets. Souls can be lost. This means you. Dreamland Video podcast To watch the FREE video version on YouTube, click here [https://www.unknowncountry.com/whitleys-journal/a-grotesque-lie-from-the-united-states-department-of-defense/]. Subscribers, to watch the subscriber version of the video, first log in [https://www.unknowncountry.com/wp-login.php] then click on Dreamland Subscriber-Only Video Podcast link. 2024-03-09