VIRUS-L Digest Monday, 21 Nov 1988 Volume 1 : Issue 15 Today's Topics: Jerusalem Virus... (PC) Request for anti-virus information (micro) UUENCODE, ETC; (PC) Can viruses cause hardware damage? Recent Virus (Internet) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri Nov 18 16:22:54 1988 From: Pedro Sepulveda J. Subject: Jerusalem Virus... (PC) Hi Networkers...! We are agree to tell you that, in our University, it has been developed a program which take out the JV virus from the .COM files. The author is Gonzalo Rojas Costa, an electric engineering student which works with us in the virus investigation. This program ( called VACUNAJV.COM ) was originaly developed in assembly language, and the release 1.0 has been tested with success cleaning a lot of spreaded programs. Actualy, the program is available for the BITNET users, and you just have to write us. But first, we need the UUENCODE and UUDECODE programs for the sending. Besides, we are begining to work in a similar program that cleans the .EXE files. Our purpose, as work group, is to develope efective tools for the file spreading, making protection rules and studing the efective damage produced by the virus, and how they are produced. We know that in the world exist many groups working on the same area, an we would like to contact them for the information interchange. Lately, we have had some cases with the BRAIN virus, and we NEED all the information available. Hoping your response, Grupo de Soporte Tecnico de Secom Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Note: We are talking of a PC IBM or compatibles. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Nov 88 18:18:26 -0900 Subject: Request for anti-virus information (micro) From: BILL _ POTTENGER Looking for any and all info on anti-viral software, hardware (including plug in cards), and OS stuff. Please help - am having trouble locating useful info. (Rest of message follows below...) Bill => #34 FTBP Wed 16 Nov 23:23 From: BILL _ POTTENGER Hello! I was hoping you could help me track down some people doing research on secure (meaning virus proof) pc architectures. I'm looking for some profs or grad students who are designing virus resistant pc architectures... it's for a project I'm doing for my senior project in high performance architecture class CS448 up here... Any help would be appreciated! Bill ps. due date: 12-9-88 ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 19 Nov 88 13:26:45 EDT From: Jean Coppola Subject: UUENCODE, ETC; (PC) Hi, thanks to all who sent debrain.exe in 'coded' form. I requested uuencode pas and uudecode pas from LEHIIBM1 but they will not compile properly (read error free) under Turbo 4.0. Perhaps someone can take the time to explain to all newcomers how this procedure works so we can get DEBRAIN.EXE in an executable format. [Ed. I'll try to put up Turbo Pascal 4.0 versions of uuencode and uudecode on our LISTSERV before the end of this week.] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 19 Nov 88 14:21 EST From: Ain't no livin' in a Perfect World. Subject: Can viruses cause hardware damage? I believe I've read somewhere that viruses can cause hardware problems, like drives to fail. Does anyone know what the specific problem with the drives could be if a virus would do this(cause one to fail.)? Tom Kummer ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 20 Nov 88 12:10:47 EDT From: SSAT@PACEVM Subject: Recent Virus (Internet) With all due respect, has anyone considered that the recent virus might have been a test conceived by the father and son working as a team? After all his father is the Director of Computer Security at the Fort Meade computer center and could authorize such a test! [Ed. I don't think that title is correct; I believe that Robert Morris, Sr. is a research scientist for the NCSC, if memory serves me correctly.] I think this could have been done to emphasize the need for more thorough testing and control of government appropriated software. In any event, no real damage was done, no files destroyed, just a massive computer networl brought to it's knees. Imagine if the same thing happened when SAC reported 100+ missles inbound! ------------------------------ End of VIRUS-L Digest ********************* Downloaded From P-80 International Information Systems 304-744-2253