#[1]ARRL Amateur Radio News IFRAME: [2]https://www.googletagmanager.com/ns.html?id=GTM-5BCPW62 [3]ARRL Website Search Keyword_____________ [Category______________] GO Call Sign / Name Search Search Licensees____ GO (Login) Login [4]Register Account [5]Login Help * [6]Home * [7]On The Air * [8]Licensing, Education & Training * [9]Membership * [10]Regulatory & Advocacy * [11]Public Service * [12]Technology * [13]Get Involved * [14]ARRL Store * [15]About ARRL * [16]News & Features News The K7RA Solar Update 12/16/2022 Heightened sunspot activity over the past week no doubt produced the great conditions during last weekend's ARRL 10 Meter contest. Compared to the previous seven days, average daily sunspot numbers jumped from 85 to 136.9, while solar flux averages increased from 137.5 to 150. Geomagnetic indicators were lower, with planetary A index decreasing from 14.4 to 7.7, and middle latitude A index from 9.1 to 6. Higher sunspot numbers and lower geomagnetic indicators is an ideal combination for favorable HF propagation. New sunspots appeared every day except December 12, with one new sunspot on December 8, another on December 9, and three more on December 10, another on December 13 and one more on December 14. N0JK commented on the ARRL 10 Meter contest: "What a difference a year makes. 10 was wide open this year for the ARRL 10M contest with strong single hop F2 from Kansas to both coasts. Europe and Japan in, and I completed WAC (Worked All Continents). Operated fixed mobile with 1/4 wave whip. Solar flux this year was 148, last year only 78." The latest prediction from the USAF via NOAA shows solar flux at 164, 162, 160, 158, 154, 152 and 150 on December 16-22, then 120 on December 23-28, then 125, 130 and 135 on December 29-31, 145 on January 1-8, 2023, then 140, 130, 125 and 120 on January 9-12, and 115 on January 13-18, then 120 on January 19-24. Predicted planetary A index is 5 on December 16-17, 10 on December 18, 8 on December 19-20, then 12, 8, and 15 on December 21-23, 20 on December 24-28, then 12, 10, 12, 8, 5 and 18 on December 29 through January 3, 2023, 10 on January 4-5, 8 on January 6, 5 on January 7-14, 10 on January 15-16, then 5, 20, 15 and 12 on January 17-20, and 20 on January 21-24. F.K. Janda, OK1HH wrote: "Evolving solar activity was erratic over the last seven days, starting with the Earth entering a high-speed solar wind stream (up to 600 km/s) on 8 December. "It came from a canyon-shaped coronal hole that approached the western limb of the solar disk. The day after, a magnetic filament erupted in the Sun's southern hemisphere, but the CME was weak. "We expected a slight increase in solar wind speed around December 12. However, not only did this not occur, but the solar wind slowed to 350 km/s in the following days. At the same time, the Earth's magnetic field calmed down. "On 12 December, nine groups of sunspots were observed on the Sun, the largest number so far in the 25th Solar Cycle. Two days later there were eleven sunspot groups. "Of these, two regions (AR 3163 and 3165, both with the Beta-Gamma magnetic configuration) had moderately strong flares (the strongest on 14 December at 1442 UT was M6 class, produced the Dellinger effect up to a frequency of 15 MHz). The ejected CMEs have missed the Earth for now, and we can expect a possible hit from AR3163. The increase in solar radiation caused an increase in MUF and therefore the shortest shortwave bands opened up regularly. "Decrease in solar activity, increasing geomagnetic activity and worsening of short wave disturbances can be expected after December 20." The Dellinger Effect is an SID, or "Sudden Ionospheric Disturbance." [17]https://bit.ly/3HCHytO David Moore shares this about our Sun's middle corona: [18]https://bit.ly/3hvZX0O Nine new sunspots. I do not agree that they are dangerous: [19]https://bit.ly/3FuPniB Interesting speculation. What happens to cryptocurrency during a Carrington event? [20]https://bit.ly/3BEYtrR Newsweek reports on the terminator event: [21]https://bit.ly/3YtyAF3 More and more news about flares: [22]https://bit.ly/3W3Vhyc [23]https://bit.ly/3HG0XtK [24]https://bit.ly/3WpcD8k Another Solar Cycle 19? [25]https://bit.ly/3FYgioi N0JK reports: "Some sporadic-E to W1 from Kansas December 15. Logged K1SIX FN43." More 6 meter news from KM0T: "Well, it took since 1999, but I finally worked my first ZL. In fact, 8 of them. Opening lasted on and off here for about an hour. Started hearing them just after 0000 UTC. EN40s were working them first for about 10 minutes before, which tipped me off. I Then worked AA7A in Arizona at +25, so there was a link perhaps to TEP F2 hop. "There was one station calling an FO, but never saw any report of the monitoring FO station showing up on PSK reporter. FO was on the exact path to ZL, but I don't think there was a hop there, perhaps a blind caller to FO. If anyone actually heard them or worked them, let us know as that would be an interesting path. "My antennas were as low to the ground as they could be due to the ice storm. Bottom antenna about 25 feet. (Stacked 6el over 6el, 20' apart.) "Now that I think about it, flux was 151 and SSN 148. "I'm pretty sure it was E-skip link, just like when I worked Chatham Island here some months ago. "The SW had all kinds of storms (as the whole USA did). I heard snow and rain and 'thunder snow' in Arizona. "That would make sense of such a strong E-skip link to the SW. With the flux only at 151, seems to me this is a good number for TEP if you're in the right spot, but not enough to make it to the upper Midwest with true F2. "I was lucky that our area had ice only in the morning. It rained pretty much all day with bouts of ice, but by the time evening came around, my ice was off the antennas. "Signals were strong actually. I gave -01 to -17 reports on the ZLs. +25 and just below given to stateside 7-land stations I worked in between the ZLs. "First ZL was at 0003 - ZL3NW with -11 sig - I got a -07 report. Strongest ZL was at 0033 - ZL3JT with a -01 sig. He gave me a +00. "Last ZL was ZL1AKW, where the spotlight moved a bit north. At 0107 UTC - he had -06 sig and I got a -19 report." He did not mention a mode but judging from the signal reports it was probably FT8 or FT4. W2ZDP reported on December 14: "There was a great 6 meter opening yesterday. I first noticed it around 2020Z and worked 12 stations in grid 'EM,' all on FT8. "I also noticed that a few of them were working ZLs although I didn't see the response. After the local 2 meter net at 7 PM local time, I again worked a few stations in 'EM' when I started seeing both sides of ZLs working stateside stations. After several attempts, I finally worked ZL1RS at 0100Z from FM04. Not too bad for 100 watts and a 4 element beam at 30 feet!" Dr. Tamitha Skov, WX6SWW, the Space Weather Woman, has an informative new video: [26]https://youtu.be/i0QbCZZpYRY Send your tips, reports, observations, questions, and comments to [27]k7ra@arrl.net. For more information concerning shortwave radio propagation, see [28]http://www.arrl.org/propagation and the ARRL Technical Information Service at [29]http://arrl.org/propagation-of-rf-signals . For an explanation of numbers used in this bulletin, see [30]http://arrl.org/the-sun-the-earth-the-ionosphere . An archive of past propagation bulletins is at [31]http://arrl.org/w1aw-bulletins-archive-propagation . More good information and tutorials on propagation are at [32]http://k9la.us/ . Instructions for starting or ending email distribution of ARRL bulletins are at [33]http://arrl.org/bulletins . Sunspot numbers for December 8 through 14, 2022 were 115, 116, 111, 141, 142, 159, and 174, with a mean of 136.9. 10.7 cm flux was 143, 149.1, 141.7, 147,7, 150.8, 153, and 164.7, with a mean of 150. Estimated planetary A indices were 11, 11, 8, 10, 6, 4, and 4, with a mean of 7.7. Middle latitude A index was 9, 9, 6, 7, 5, 3, and 3, with a mean of 6. Photo Gallery * [34]Sunspot AR3165 is crackling with M-class solar flares, but the more dangerous sunspot may be AR3163, which is directly facing Earth. If it explodes, it could hurl a CME directly toward our planet. [Photo courtesy of NASA SDO/HMI] Sunspot AR3165 is... [35]Back [36]Back to Top [37]Having Trouble? 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